Thursday, August 24, 2023

Grammar ep: 9 The Apostrophe

The apostrophe is used as a way to contradict such as:

"I did not" to, "I didn't".

The apostrophe can be used to claim ownership of an item, for example: "It is Andy's toy", also it can be used as a very rare way of doing a plural, for example: "Book's" instead of "Books".

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Trails of Ahl As-Sunnah with Ustah Abdul Aziz

 Some Muslim groups believe in different things, some groups believe there is no Sunnah. Some other groups may believe that there are only 4 daily prayers.

Although they are in the whole house of Islam, they split from the main branch of Islam.

Splitting in Islam is mostly due to Innovation, which in Islam

Monday, August 21, 2023

Habits of Successful Muslims pt: 2

 When the prophet came to Medinah, people were pollinating plants by taking the pollen from the male trees and taking it to the female trees. Thus by doing this they were able to make sure that pollination would take place and their crops would get adequate yields. 

Advice for learning from mistakes is as follows:

1. Identify the mistakes.

2. Analyze the problems.

3. Planning around the mistakes.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Grammar ep: 9 The Comma

 Ah the comma used to separate sentences such as:

"The table is immaculate, and beautiful".

"I like my clothes to be tidy, and freshly washed".

You can also use the comma for separating lists and when you end a list, you must end it with a "And", for example: "Please bring back: apples, pears, bread and laundry detergent". 

You also should use the comma for responding such as:
"Mr Peterson, please hire a new informant for the company".

You can also use commas as a way of separating a true or false question such as:
"hey peter you like pie, don't you?".

Or you can say "This wouldn't hurt, will it?".

When you are ending a dialogue sequence you have to put either a comma or full stop such as: Guillermo said, "The cave is very dark."

Or you can do: "It is probably clean," said Anne.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Quran by dr Abdul Aziz pt: 7

 Tawakul is relying on Allah but doing the means.

Tawakul is relying on Allah but leaving the means to Allah.

All the prophets gained their living through hard work, as the Prophet Muhammad was working before he became a Prophet.
When they needed a Mosque The Prophet did not say "Oh Allah give us a mosque", instead they gathered the necessary resources to build a mosque by themselves. 

All matters that go towards the unseen should be left to Allah and what is said in the book, as it does not concern us.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Grammar ep: 8 Conjunction

 Conjunctions are words that unite words such as:

For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So.

For can be used as: "For every apple you eat, please eat a pear".

And can be used as: "I like cars and trucks".

Nor can be used as: "I am human nor animal".

But can be used as "I am going to do the dishes but I want to relax first".

Or can be used as: "Do wash your clothes or clean the fence".

Yet can be used as: "I have yet to learn how to draw".

So can be used as: "I am sick so I am not going to school".

Monday, August 14, 2023

Grammar ep: 7 Preposition in space

 This is used for explaining things in space.

Words such as: At (direction), By, From, In, Off, On, Out, To

At can be used as: "I work at the old mill".

By can be used as: "I live by the seaside"

From can be used as: "She is from the city".

In can be used as: "The toy is in the toybox".

Off can be used as: "I jumped off the plank of wood".

On can be used as: "I am travelling on a bus to your house".

Out can be used as: "The bug is out of the crack in the wall".

It can be used as: "I am moving to the countryside this weekend".

Grammar ep: 6 Preposition in time

 Preposition in time is for explaining time in a sentence.

Words such as: After, At, Before, By, and For.

Such as "Before you close the door"
or "After you finish doing the dishes".

At is a special word as it is used in sentences like "At the house on the left", or "Please buy fruits at the market".

By is meant as an end time as "leave this place by 10pm sharp"

And For is used for words like "I have been working for 3 hours straight".

Grammar ep: 6 Adverbs

 Adverbs are for changing verbs, similar to adjectives, that you use to modify other words. Adverbs change verbs or adjectives, like "very" or "carefully". Many adverbs can be formed by adding "ly" to an adjective: add "ly" to change "careful" to "carefully".

Relative Adverbs: When, Why, Who 

Habits of Successful Muslims pt: 1

Success is very subjective as you could be wealthy with expensive cars, the greatest house or the most money in the bank, but in Islamic terms could be in poverty.

Every soul will taste death, and you will get no benefits from cars, a large house or significant wealth. Even if you had the whole world into gold as his wealth. He could not spend any of that to ransom his way into Jannah.

Everything in this world is flawed but everything with Allah is perfect.