Monday, December 4, 2023

Grammer ep: 19 Phrase and clauses

 A subject is a noun that is doing the action, and a predicate is something that is the rest of the sentence that is not the subject

 A phrase is not a full sentence, as they don't have subject and verb, for example:
"My best friend", "My green T-shirt".

A clause has a subject and a verb, clauses can also be a sentence 

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Youth Talk Class: 18

Allah uses scholars as the preservers of Islam and the Quran.

Without the scholars of Islam, most of the Quran and Sunnah would not be around today.

Also, the prophets don't have much inheritance, as their main purpose is to deliver knowledge.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Grammer ep: 18 Sentances and Exclamations

 There are three types of sentences: A declarative sentence, which declares a Statement, or a fact, for example: "I am not old".

Next is the: Interrogate, which is for example: "What are you doing", or "How is your day".

Then there is the: Impredetive sentence used for commanding, for example: "Do the dishes now", or "Follow that car".

Exclamations are for strong emotions and for volume (sound volume) for example: "That stick is sharp!", or "Do not play with the fire poker!".

"The car going to hit my red ball!". 

Normally one or two exclamation marks are needed.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Grammer ep: 17 Ellipses

 Ellipses are the three dots after a word normally for indicating a pause in speech.

For example: "Oh my...cats gone".
It can also be used to add more depth to writing, for example: "I see you don't like...The door".

Monday, October 30, 2023

Grammer ep: 16 Hyphens

 So when do you use Hyphens, are they for connecting words.

Like if you want to say: "The walls are yellow-green". 

Or you could say: "I like deep-fried fish".

Habits of Successful Muslims pt: 4

 There is a story about two men given one garden each, with grapevines and palm trees, given by Allah.

Ayat 18:33 said: "Each garden yielded 'all' is produce never falling short and wee caused a river to flow between them".

Ayah 18:34 said: "And he had other resources 'as well'. So he boasted to a 'poor' companion of his, while conversing with him, "I am greater than you in wealth and superior in manpower".

After he wronged himself by insulting the 'poor' companion he said "I do not think that this garden will not perish, because I have taken all measures for the survival of the garden".

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Grammer ep: 15 Dashes

 Dashes have four uses, one to  mark interruptions in a sentence for example:

"I ran to the bus stop - but it left already".

Dashes can also work as parentheses, for example:
"The train- was bigger than the car".

You  can also use  them as colons, for example:
"I want one thing - SNACKS".

You can also use it as interruptions  in speech, for example:
"Watch out for the - BAM".

Grammer ep: 14 Italics and underlining

Aldus Manutius, the creator of  the typeface italics,

There are mainly two uses for italics, Emphasis and Titling.
For example: "That's one big apple", and for titling  "The measly duck". 

The underline is basically the same as the italics but easier to handwrite the word and underline the word.

Grammer ep: 13 Semicolon

 The semicolon is that it is a  rarely used letter in the alphabet is because it is most of the time not necessary, but in programming the semicolon ; is very useful for ending code.

Also, you can use it for complicated lists for example:
"I enjoy corn; peanuts; coconut milk and apples."


Saturday, October 21, 2023

Youth Talk Class: 17

Bid'a are things that were brought into Islam that are not in the sunnah, such as acts of worship that are added to Islam.

Allah's messenger said, "The worst of things are those that are newly- invented every newly-invented thing is an innovation and every innovation is going astray, and every going astray is hellfire".

There are two groups, one group believes that there are two kinds of bid'a (good and bad bid'a), and the other group (mostly shia muslims) believes only one group of bid'a which is only bad bid'a.



When 7 Muslims were ran away from the main city because they were being targeted by the Kafr for being Muslims, and took refuge in a cave.

He has to be very cautious because, as he proceeds to the market and through the city, and not told who he is.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Grammer ep: 12 Colon

 A colon can be used for answering a question:
for example "My favorite food is apple pie".

Also, you can use them in a list for example: "An apple, a duck, a chicken".

And You can also do "My friend: Mark told me to clean my room".

 You can also use a colon for emphasis for example:
"Do not go in the tunnel: without a flashlight".

"I cannot sleep: I drank too much coffee".

You can also use the colon as a separator for example:
"The time is 10:30pm". Notice how it is separated by a colon and it separates the hour and the minutes.

another way is "the book is: basic cooking".

Monday, September 25, 2023

Habits of Successful Muslims pt: 3

Thanking Allah and showing gratitude was one of the things The Prophet did often, as he would pray and thank Allah at night to the point that the balls on his feet would be swollen.

Dua is the most powerful weapon for the Believer. 

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Its vs It's Grammer ep: 11

 Its and It's have very different uses.

It is a shortened version of "it is", for example: "It's a wonderful day today".

Its is used as a possessive, for example, "Its been so long since I had burgers", or "I like the cheese because it's delicious"

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Grammar ep: 10 The Possessive

 Using 's o also known as an apostrophe is a way to own something.

For example: "That's my sister's cat".

But if you use pronouns, like his, her, ours, or theirs, you don't have to put a 's.
Like "It's his toy, not yours."

Plural possession is a little bit more complicated. Instead of saying "The dog's bones", you would say "The Dogs' bones".

Grammar ep: 9 The Comma

 The comma is used to separate sentences to make reading more legible.

The comma can also be used as a way to question people:
"Emma, did you eat the grapes?".

Or "You don't like peas, do you?".

The comma can also address people: "Felix, please pass the butter" or to address houses.

"Dear Mrs Stone, your lawn is unkempt".

Another way to answer a yes or no question:
such as "Yes, I would like the pie".

Appositives are for clarifying or redefining nouns, for example:

"My favourite food is fried rice".
"My cat is named, Klein".

Friday, September 15, 2023

How Ecosystems and Biodivercity works

Firstly how does an ecosystem work, an ecosystem works when organisms work together and interact with each other.
When more 
organisms interact with each other, the more complex it is, and if it is more complex it is more secure.

Why is it better for it to be more complex than a simpler ecosystem? 
One reason is biodiversity, biodiversity is when there are a lot of organisms in an ecosystem thus being more biodiverse.

What is biodiversity

and why is it important in a food chain?
well, there are organisms that work in a food chain, for example, let's take a deer, a plant, and a lion,
the order of the food chain would be Plant > Deer > Lion.

The plant is what is called a "Producer" as the plant produces the vegetables for the deer to eat, and then the lion can eat the deer, and then when the lion poops, the plant takes back the nutrients in the poop and make more vegetables for the other deer to eat, and the cycle repeats.

What is the lack of biodiversity?

Okay, let's try another example of biodiversity, let's take the internet, it is like an ecosystem right?
Let's take your phone and Google as examples, if your phone randomly disconnects from the internet the whole internet is still intact, as it is not heavily reliant on it but if Google randomly stopped working, the ecosystem of the internet would collapse.

This is exactly like if you remove the plant from the Plant > Deer > Lion example, as that would cause the deer to die due to lack of food, and the Lion because no more deers.

But that's when a complex ecosystem comes in. It is for the deer to feed even if one species of plant is dead, there are more to eat and to keep the deer population alive.

The same with Lions, as they don't only eat deer, they also eat other animals. And that is why a more complex biodiversity ecosystem is pessary for a large ecosystem to thrive.

And why when animals go extinct it is bad for biodiversity as removing the Lions would cause a large amount deer population to skyrocket and if there is more than the carrying capacity of an ecosystem it can collapse.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Habits of Successful Muslims pt: 2

 We put in the effort now to go into Jannah, and we can fully relax when we are in Jannah.

There is so much more in Jannaah than this Dunya, but don't go over the top.

Imagine you are doing dakwah with a sincere heart, and not doing it for show or to show that you are doing good, and no one converts to Islam because of you. The question is are you wasting your time.
No, you are not  

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Grammar ep: 9 The Apostrophe

The apostrophe is used as a way to contradict such as:

"I did not" to, "I didn't".

The apostrophe can be used to claim ownership of an item, for example: "It is Andy's toy", also it can be used as a very rare way of doing a plural, for example: "Book's" instead of "Books".

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Trails of Ahl As-Sunnah with Ustah Abdul Aziz

 Some Muslim groups believe in different things, some groups believe there is no Sunnah. Some other groups may believe that there are only 4 daily prayers.

Although they are in the whole house of Islam, they split from the main branch of Islam.

Splitting in Islam is mostly due to Innovation, which in Islam

Monday, August 21, 2023

Habits of Successful Muslims pt: 2

 When the prophet came to Medinah, people were pollinating plants by taking the pollen from the male trees and taking it to the female trees. Thus by doing this they were able to make sure that pollination would take place and their crops would get adequate yields. 

Advice for learning from mistakes is as follows:

1. Identify the mistakes.

2. Analyze the problems.

3. Planning around the mistakes.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Grammar ep: 9 The Comma

 Ah the comma used to separate sentences such as:

"The table is immaculate, and beautiful".

"I like my clothes to be tidy, and freshly washed".

You can also use the comma for separating lists and when you end a list, you must end it with a "And", for example: "Please bring back: apples, pears, bread and laundry detergent". 

You also should use the comma for responding such as:
"Mr Peterson, please hire a new informant for the company".

You can also use commas as a way of separating a true or false question such as:
"hey peter you like pie, don't you?".

Or you can say "This wouldn't hurt, will it?".

When you are ending a dialogue sequence you have to put either a comma or full stop such as: Guillermo said, "The cave is very dark."

Or you can do: "It is probably clean," said Anne.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Quran by dr Abdul Aziz pt: 7

 Tawakul is relying on Allah but doing the means.

Tawakul is relying on Allah but leaving the means to Allah.

All the prophets gained their living through hard work, as the Prophet Muhammad was working before he became a Prophet.
When they needed a Mosque The Prophet did not say "Oh Allah give us a mosque", instead they gathered the necessary resources to build a mosque by themselves. 

All matters that go towards the unseen should be left to Allah and what is said in the book, as it does not concern us.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Grammar ep: 8 Conjunction

 Conjunctions are words that unite words such as:

For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So.

For can be used as: "For every apple you eat, please eat a pear".

And can be used as: "I like cars and trucks".

Nor can be used as: "I am human nor animal".

But can be used as "I am going to do the dishes but I want to relax first".

Or can be used as: "Do wash your clothes or clean the fence".

Yet can be used as: "I have yet to learn how to draw".

So can be used as: "I am sick so I am not going to school".

Monday, August 14, 2023

Grammar ep: 7 Preposition in space

 This is used for explaining things in space.

Words such as: At (direction), By, From, In, Off, On, Out, To

At can be used as: "I work at the old mill".

By can be used as: "I live by the seaside"

From can be used as: "She is from the city".

In can be used as: "The toy is in the toybox".

Off can be used as: "I jumped off the plank of wood".

On can be used as: "I am travelling on a bus to your house".

Out can be used as: "The bug is out of the crack in the wall".

It can be used as: "I am moving to the countryside this weekend".

Grammar ep: 6 Preposition in time

 Preposition in time is for explaining time in a sentence.

Words such as: After, At, Before, By, and For.

Such as "Before you close the door"
or "After you finish doing the dishes".

At is a special word as it is used in sentences like "At the house on the left", or "Please buy fruits at the market".

By is meant as an end time as "leave this place by 10pm sharp"

And For is used for words like "I have been working for 3 hours straight".

Grammar ep: 6 Adverbs

 Adverbs are for changing verbs, similar to adjectives, that you use to modify other words. Adverbs change verbs or adjectives, like "very" or "carefully". Many adverbs can be formed by adding "ly" to an adjective: add "ly" to change "careful" to "carefully".

Relative Adverbs: When, Why, Who 

Habits of Successful Muslims pt: 1

Success is very subjective as you could be wealthy with expensive cars, the greatest house or the most money in the bank, but in Islamic terms could be in poverty.

Every soul will taste death, and you will get no benefits from cars, a large house or significant wealth. Even if you had the whole world into gold as his wealth. He could not spend any of that to ransom his way into Jannah.

Everything in this world is flawed but everything with Allah is perfect.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Quran by dr Abdul Aziz pt: 6

 Kufr is a person who disbelieves in Allah.

Quran is Allah's word, it is a miracle to us Muslims, It is from Allah and will return to him.

Explaining the Quran with esoteric interpretations (which means that you are not being direct on what you're saying) as a form of kufr.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Youth Talk Class: 16

 Children are given the right to life, the right to provisions, and the right to inheritance of the parent's belongings after they have passed.

If you have kids, you must raise them to be good Muslims, as they are the only way to get dua after you are in the grave.

Youth Talk Class: 15

 The Crusaders lasted 200 years, a fight between the Christians and Muslims.

It started in 1095 by the Christians to reclaim the "holy land" from Islam.
The whole purpose was to claim the "holy land" in Jerusalem.  

In 1130 the Muslims tried to reclaim the "holy land" since the holy land is holy to both Muslims and Christians.

Christians made checkpoints or outposts on the roads so that Christians could make pilgrimage easier and safer.

When the Christians tried to take Damascus but the Muslims beat them and made them a humiliating defeat.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Quran by dr Abdul Aziz pt: 5

 Aqeedah means to bind, fasten tightly, fortify, or consolidate. As a technical term, it means a firm belief.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Minhaj al Muslim By Sh Tariq Appleby pt: 17

A person asked the prophet "Who is the most deserving of my companionship" and the prophet said "Your mother".
The person asked again "who is the most deserving of my companion ship", the prophet responded again "Your mother", then again he asked "Who is the most deserving of my companion ship", he said "Your mother".

He asked one more time "Who is the most deserving of my companion ship", the prophet responded "your father.

The reason why is that childbirth and having the baby in the womb for 9 months are very exhausting parts of childbirth, and then labour and then childbirth.

Friday, July 7, 2023


  Monaco is only 2 square kilometres in length making it the second smallest county in the world.

The Monaco Grand Prix is held here, and it is dubbed the most boring race as most modern race cars cannot fit on the track, and overtaking is very much rare.\

A population of 36 thousand people.

Also buying property is expensive about 45 thousand USD per square meter.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Quran by dr Abdul Aziz pt: 4

A man cannot marry another man, and a woman cannot marry a woman, it is not part of the Sunnah.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023


 The largest city is ChiÈ™inău.

They have the Guinness world record for the most extensive wine collection in the world named MileÈ™tii Mici which is 120 kilometres of tunnels and corridors, of wine.

They are classified as the poorest country in Europe and they also have the lowest GDP per capita in Europe.

Moldova has 3.3 million people.

The Moldovian leu is their currency.

Friday, June 23, 2023


 Named "The federated states of Micronesia" which is very long.

Made of 607 islands also called the Caroline Islands, which take up over 1 million sq miles, or 2 million kilometres. 
The Islands are in segments and those segments are named: Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei and Kosrae. 

The capital Palikir is located in Pohnpei, the highest populated island in the country.

A population of 105 thousand people live here.

The USD is their currency.

Grammar ep: 5 Pronouns

 Pronouns are used as standings for other words, for example:

"Carl ate an apple and Carl did not like it." 

Instead of writing it like that, you can say: "Carl ate an apple and he did not like it".

Or she did not like pink, as she liked blue.

Progressive Pronouns

An adjective is "That is my book", if it is a noun it becomes "That book is mine".

Relative Pronouns

Are: "who", "whom," "whose", "that" and "which".

examples are the food that I bought for us to eat,

The person who needed to learn a history lesson.

Minhaj al Muslim By Sh Tariq Appleby pt: 16

The prophet said that the highest level of Iman is that you love the prophet more than yourself.

You are not looking forward to an exam to test that you are unprepared for, but if you are prepared then you will look forward to the test or exam.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Grammar ep: 5 Modal Verbs

Modality is something is about conditions in grammar, like the ability to do that, or the likeliness of that happening, permission, and probability.

Modal verbs are she can do it, he can do it, they can do it, and we can do it. The Modal verb agrees.
Other models are: may, might, could, must, would, and should.

Like you can't say, "We want to should", which is not a correct sentence. 

The word "Must" can be used like "he must have went that way", (that shows the likeliness of that happening).

You could say "It may" rain, or you can say "You may", enter.

Also, you can say I would fold my clothes, as it is a probability, or "you should not do that".

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Quran by dr Abdul Aziz pt: 3

 The prophet's mission was to inform us, guidance was in Allah's hands, as he is the one who chooses who follows Islam.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Grammar ep: 4 Irregular Verbs

Irregular Verbs are very strange things such as: Sleep (present), to Slept (past).

Spend (present) Spent (past).

Most will make you have to add a "T".

Other Irregular verbs are Vowel shifting and adding an "EN" such as: Sing and Sung, for words like eat (present) and eaten (present), 
tear (present), to torn (past).

Minhaj al Muslim By Sh Tariq Appleby pt: 15

Righteousness is not turning your face toward the East or the West,  righteousness is those who believe in Allah.

Allah knows everything that will happen, and what did happen, it was all written down already.

Don't say that we will live forever, we will eventually die.

One time Bedouins came to the prophet and asked him, "What is the best gift for a man", he responded with "Good Character".

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Youth Talk Class: 14

 People will argue that Allah did not write the Quran, as they say, "The Prophet"
 wrote the Quran, and not the word of Allah.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Minhaj al Muslim By Sh Tariq Appleby pt: 14

 A Muslim that does sins, does not permit him from being kicked from Islam, one of the only sins that take a Muslim out of Islam.

You are not allowed to fully stop sleeping to pray, although you will get pahalah for doing it, it is much worse in the long term compared to the short term.
You can pray the whole night, but don't do it so often, otherwise, your body will be angry at you.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Youth Talk Class: 13

 The Ottomans were cool, the modern-day Ottomans are Turkyie, they created things made new things, and discovered so much, they wrote poetry, and made excellent mathematicians who in the future helped make encryption.

Friday, May 5, 2023


 It is the singapore of Africa.

Located 700 miles (1100km) from the off of Madagascar. 

The captial is Port Louis.

They have the 7 colored earths, which are rocks that are multcolored.

Their national animal is the Dodo bird, but well it was hunted to extinction.

1.3 Million people, and it is the most densly populated country in Africa, about 624 people per square kilometers.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023


Nouakchott which is the capital, is known as the place of winds and has a north, west, and south of the capital. 

90% of the country is dry desert.

They are in the center of the Harmattan which are very powerful African winds.
It makes very strong sandstorms.

4.5 Population and it is the 5th least densely populated country in the world. 

They were the last country in the world to abolish slavery. As of 1981.

Grammar ep: 4 Verbs

 All sentences contain verbs.

Verbs can show actions, also there are agreeable verbs such as:

"The dog barks" to "The dogs bark". Or "Mark tastes pizza " instead of "Mark Taste pizza".

Tenses are past, present, and future:
Those could be Talked (past), Talk (present), or I Will Talk (future).

Present Tense is what is happening right now:  I eat a doughnut, as in now, if it is later it is different.

The Past Tense is things that happened in the past, a easy way to do it is to put "ed" at the end of the word, if you want it to say in past tense it would be "I Walked".
Sneezed - Sneezed, jump - Jumped.

Future Tense is used with "will", so it would be I will do the dishes. 
"I will eat bread" is one and "I will pass the drink". or "it will rain".

Grammar ep 3: The Plural

 The Regular plural is with the letter "S" Irregular plural is different, the word leaf would be leaves. If you see the letter "F" at the end of a word it is usually turned into an Irregular plural.

A world like "child" would go to "Children". 

Another thing is "Base" plurals:. Sheep, if you were to say one sheep, it would only be sheep like two sheep, three sheep.
Moose is also one.
Fish is also a base plural, and so is bison. So instead of saying thirty fish, you would say thirty fish.

There are only 7 Mutant Plurals, those are Foot, Woman, Tooth, Goose, Man, Mouse, and Louse.
They turn into different sounds, such as foot as feet, Woman as Women, and Man as Men.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Minhaj al Muslim By Sh Tariq Appleby pt: 13

 For battles you need people to be in the background, to help with food, help the wounded, check the vehicles, and check weapons.

Most females in Islam during the war, helped with the war in any way they could. They check the weapons (maybe forge a few), feed horses, making food for the fighting people.

And war is hard, also most people died not in war, but outside of war, due to disease, and bugs that could kill.


Monday, April 17, 2023

Minhaj al Muslim By Sh Tariq Appleby pt: 12

 If you have spent the last 35 years reading one Juz a day from the Quran, you may have and during those 35 you could maybe memorize a few Juz without even intending to memorize it, since if you read something 100 - 200 times then obviously you are gonna memorize some of it.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Minhaj al Muslim By Sh Tariq Appleby pt: 11

 We cannot deceive people except in warfare, as it is a war tactic.

Young people are more accepting of the truth.

Most people accepted Islam during the prophet's time. Were young people, as Young people are more accepting of new things than old people. 

Most of the youths who followed Prophet Musa were orphans, and there was only a small amount of them as they were scared of that the Pharoh would kill them.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Quran by dr Abdul Aziz pt: 2

 We are required to thank people that do a favor for us, and also the inverse is also true.

You cannot hide from Allah. So Allah can see every sin, every person, everything

The Earth will tell what happened in it. So if you committed a sin in saying the US, then the Earth will tell. Also in Surah Ya-sin, Your own body parts will tell Allah what you did.

Every nation had a warner. Some people claim two books that are deformed and distorted.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Minhaj al Muslim By Sh Tariq Appleby pt: 10

 Allah grants kingship to whoever He wills.

It is not allowed for a person who knows about the scripture, wisdom, and prophethood to say to people "worship me instead of Allah." That is not good.

You cannot say "become servants to me instead of Allah."

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

History of the Desert Eagle

 The desert eagle, a classic "hand cannon" (used in CSGO and many other games), first made in 1979 was supposed to be used as a gas-powered semi-automatic pistol.

The basic design was patented in 1980, with working prototypes made a year later, it was completed under a contract with the Israel Military Industries. 

The earliest variant is the Mark 1 which used the .357 mag, but the design finally was perfected in 1968 which was the first semi-auto handgun that could chamber the .44 mag.
Used in Arnolds Schwarzenegger Comando, but the Mark 1 was mainly used in movies before the 1990s.

Then the mark XIX came out and it was really good, movies used it including the Maxtrix trilogy. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Marshal Islands

Named after John Marshsal

Located in Micronesia and is made of 29 coral Attols. Which are like very narrow islands. And the pacific ocean is filled with them, and in some places even go for a few meters in width.

And the capital Majuro.

Also, the USA colonized this country and did nuclear tests on these islands in later years. To Help with the obvious nuclear radiation, the US made a "cactus" dome,  it is not recommended to visit as the radiation.

The Marshal islands rely on rainwater as their main water source. 

54,000 people live here, and half live in Majuro.

The USD is their currency.

Friday, March 24, 2023


 Most people know Malta for the Maltese Dog, as it is one of the best therapy dogs in the world.

Movies like Gladiator, Troy, Captain Phillips, and Game of Thrones, were shot here as most of the country is a living and breathing museum with many old buildings.

The capital is Valetta which has over 300 monuments and to UNESCO the most concentrated historical area on the planet.

Most of the buildings here are made of beige and tan Mediterranean limestone. 

They have Magaliths older than the pyramids of Giza. They have 

They have a Popeye village, which was built for the Popeye movie but after filming they just left it there. 

Also, they like to eat rabbits.

450,000 people and it is one of the most densely packed countries (thanks to its land size).

Euro as currency.

History of the Flea market

The Flea market was named after the tiny bloodsucking Fleas.

Usually used for second-hand items, the difference between Flea marketing and street vending is that Flea markets often have more than one stall.

Although the meaning has existed for millennia, according to a theory, it is said that a "Fly Market", in 18th century New York City, located in Maiden Lane. 
Going along with "Marché aux puces", which means Market with fleas. As it is speculated that the reason why it was named is that Fleas liked to hide and infest old furniture being sold at the "Flea" markets.

The Chatuchak Weekend Market is world-famous and has a reputation for being one of the largest markets (in general) in Asia that sells almost any commodity. 

Biology pt 2: Feedback

 The reason why the human body is telling you to go into the shade and making you produce sweat to try to cool down the body.

Homeostasis is to maintain internal conditions despite external conditions, which often use negative feedback loops. A Stimulus (the hot sun) is something that will cause a change in internal conditions, Detection (detecting the hot sun) is detecting what happened during the stimulus. The Response is to respond to the Hot weather and causes your body to sweat.
Named Thermoregulation.

Osmoregulation, Sameon spend half their lives in freshwater, and the other half in salt water, since the fish is used to say salt water, they cannot be jumped straight into fresh water, as the change in environment can damage or even kill them. 

Positive feedback loops are much different from Negative feedback loops, as they amplify stimuli instead. 

Monday, March 20, 2023

Minhaj al Muslim By Sh Tariq Appleby pt: 9

Nothing can protect you from the day of Judgement.

Muslims often don't follow Allah because of "science".

Muslims are meant to protect and help each other. For example, when a Muslim country was at the war, other Muslim countries came to help by giving aid, or by giving money to help with war times.

Part of Imam is such as removing something harmful from the path, say a big log in the middle of a country road.

Muslims are meant to look after each other as if a fellow Muslim is lacking in sleep such as sleeping a 2am and waking up at 4am a Muslim should advise that fellow Muslim to get some sleep.

Sunday, March 19, 2023


 In the olden days, Mali had the wealthiest person in the world named Mansa Musa as they could not even capture the amount of gold he had, and he was known to crash the county's economy by himself.

Bamako is their capital.

The Niger river is important in their country. As their entire country depends on the river.

Gold is about 80% of the exports.

18 million population.

West African CFA Franc as their currency.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Minhaj al Muslim By Sh Tariq Appleby pt: 8

Learn the things that are important. Such as the Quran and Sunnah.

 Wealth and fame are special if you are very successful or very famous, you might not be a good Muslim (who prays on time, who fasts).

If you are only doing what you do because of your parents, or if you are doing what you are doing because of money. It is important to do things for the sake of Allah.

You are accountable for yourself. So you can't blame other people for your sins.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Youth Talk Class: 12

Allah shows us mercy, and he sent the prophet Muhammad as a sign of mercy.

For people who show mercy, Allah will show mercy to them.

Friday, March 10, 2023

History of Ceramic

 Ceramic dates back to 28,000 BCE, and around thr same time in China in the Xianrendong cave when fragments of pots were found, it spreaded until Japan as pieces of ceramic were found dating back to 14,000 BCE.

 In 9,000 BCE ceramics and pottery were used to store water and food, then it spread to europe.

Firing or heating up the clay to below 1000 degrees celsius.

In the beginning of the bronze age, glazed pottery was being made in Medopotania.

Ceramics were used as an art form methods used with special and specific ways to shape and color the ceramic paintings.

The Chinese were the first to make klins that could operate at 1350 degrees.

During the 15th century, the europians made a furnace dubbed a "blast furnace" which could reach temperatures of 1500 degrees celsius, (also used in melting metal into bars).

After WW2, ceramics are usd in aerospace, electronics and much more.

As of 2023 it has become over 1.1 trillion dollar industry.

Grammar ep 2: The Noun

Concrete and Abstract nouns.

Concrete nouns are together or grown, or something physical, and Abstract is like away or drawn, or not physical.

Sadness is not considered an abstract noun as it is not physical.

A chair would be counted as concrete as it is a physical thing that we can measure/hold.

Science of Relaxation

Even if you are "relaxed" your body is not. 

Your body is always on high alert your body is important to keep yourself alive, just try living without your brain working, or your heart stops, what would happen oh wait, I know. You would definitely, die.

So if you stretch on your bed before going to sleep and being "relaxed", you are, just your body is not.


 It is one of the lowest counties in the world and is known for honeymoon destinations.

The Maldives is made of 26 vertical atolls and around 1200 islets, but even with a large amount of space, only 185 of them are inhabited.

Capital Male (pronounced Maaaleee) with a population of half the country lives.

The largest island is 8km long and 3.4 km wide.

The male is about 6 sq KM so if you zoom in it looks like a regular packed city. 

Known for their water bungalows, for around 10-30k USD.

100 species of coral. 145 crabs, and lots of fish.

450 thousand population, and one of the less populated counties in Asia.

Maldivian Rufiyaa is their currency.

Dehivehi is their language.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The science of sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis happens in the rapid eye movement or REM sleep as it is named, in this stage you are likely to have dreams, and the body prevents your muscles from moving to help stop your body from acting dreams out and substantially hurting yourself. 
Sleep paralysis is when you wake up while this REM sleep is happening and thus you feel like your body is locked and cannot move. 

But this may not happen to only sleeping people, as people have reported that they have gotten sleep paralysis while being fully awake.

One of the things reported while having sleep paralysis is hallucinations, which is usually part of dreams. 

Eswatini (Swaziland)

Eswatini used to be known as Swaziland but now is Eswatini, so that's cool.

It is the second smallest Mainland African county. 

Strangely the largest city (Mbabane) is not the main capital, that title goes to Manzini. 

The Hlane national park is known to have the largest population of nesting vultures in the world.

They are famous for making Ngwenya glass, a type of glass that is most commonly molded into animals.

And Swazi candles are very pretty-looking candles with a colorful marble type of texturing.

1.4 million people. And 40% of the population is under 14 years old.

South African rand as their currency.

And the lowest age expectancies in the world at 50 yrs. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023


 The capital is Lilongwe.

Most of Lake Malawi belongs to them since it is their country is named after this lake.  

Even though they do have not much of the GDP they still have "decent roads".

The Shire river connects to the Zambezi with is in Zimbabwe.

Lake Malawi holds more species of fish than any more than country about 1000 fish species, and it is the 3rd largest lake in Africa.

They also have a Brewery for the national beer of Denmark (Carlsberg) and are the only country that this brewer outside of Denmark.

The top 5 poorest countries in the world. 

18 million people.

Malawian Kuacha as their currency.

history of the Creampuff

 Creampuffs originated in France, but they were made in the US in 1800.

The Brooklyn Evening star mentioned that hundreds of creampuffs were sold each day in Brooklyn.

But the most famous creampuffs come from Beard papa's hailing from Japan, it started out as a small bakery and now they have over 400 stores in at least 15 countries.

Mainly eaten in the 13th century as a cheese-filled pastry from the Victorian age.

There are many types of creampuffs, such as the Chous, puff, profiterole, and bun, all with different ways to prep and make, making a different creampuff.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Grammar ep 1: The Noun

 A noun is basically anything: a person, a place, a thing, or an idea.

A Plural Noun plural is multiple, In most words, you can just add an "s", and if you want to say multiple dogs you can say "dogs".

Irregular plurals are leaf, child, fungus, mouse, and sheep. You cannot add "s" to them. There are other ways to say these words in a plural sense.
such as Leaf becoming Leaves. The child becomes Children. Fungus becomes Fungi,. Mouse goes to mice. Sheep just says sheep.

If you want one elephant just do two elephants.

A proper noun is something with a name, and a common noun is a more general term. Such as the place you are from, I am from a city. A proper noun is the name of the city, say Aukland (Aukland is a proper noun).

Biology pt 2: Multicellular organisms

 Specialized cells such as neurons, which the human brain has up to 90 billion neurons. 


 Madagascar has more things than lemurs.

Capital Antananarivo or known as Tana. 

They have 3k kilometers of coast.

They are known for pirates, they even have a pirate graveyard.

Lemurs have 100 different species.

And Baobabs.

And the world's highest producer of vanilla, about 60-75% of the world's supply of vanilla is grown here.

France colonized here, so french is the national language.

29.92 population.

The currency is the Malagasy Ariary.

Physics pt 1:

 Physics is one of the ways that we make sense of the world, using physics, math, biology, and history, we can use it to understand the world around us.

We know a lot about the world using physics, but we still have more to learn. 

Biology pt 1: Cells

 Cells are the building blocks of life.

Proteins are structures that can cause chemical reactions and can build and repair cells, the chemicals in the protein determine the actions that it is meant to do. 

Some cells specialize in specific things to help, like red blood cells that carry blood.

Cells work together to help each other, such as tissues of cells. And special cells carry out specific functions.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Science of smoking

Cigarettes have a chemical called Nicotine, which when in inhaled causes a rush of dopamine to the brain, and makes you feel good, but not without its downsides, after the dope meme hits, then it releases depletes, which causes the smoker to crave another cigarette, and each time they have to take more such as they have to take one for the first time smoking, and then three for the next, then 7, then so on and so forth until one pack and then... And that's why they are addicting, the- end.

Ok not really. 
Smokers often smoke at special times during the day, like someone takes a 
calming cup of tea or when you feel a certain way, a cigarette could be something to relax.

Smoking can also be a social part of someone's life, as often smokers have groups that smoke together on a weekly or daily basis. 

Smoking is one of the most common deaths in the US, thanks to the weakened lungs from nicotine.

80% of smokers said that they had an easier time stopping smoking with help from family and friends convincing them to stop smoking. you can also help people addicted to smoking by getting healthcare providers to help with the person's addiction.


 This country is tiny as you can travel in about 50 minutes. Only 57 kilometers wide, and 82 kilometers long, making it 2500 square kilometers.

The capital is Luxembourg, 

As they are a European country, expect lots of castles.

They only have 61 days of sunlight.

The population of 640,000.

They have an army of 800.

History of the Death Penalty

In the tenth century A.D., hanging became the main form of execution in Britain. Still, in the feeling century, William the Conqueror would not like that to be a form of execution and only wanted it to be used for only during war.

The Death Penalty in America and the UK influenced the US to use the death penalty as a punishment. Captain George Kendall was the first recorded execution in the new colonies in the Jamestown Virginia colony in 1608. George was executed for being a spy for Spain.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Strange things we have done to fruit flies

The reason why we use fruit flies is that it is easier to keep, and it is easier to study instead of using monkeys, fruit flies only have 4 pairs of chromosomes and they are also pretty similar to us, they also can get genes like cancer. 

It all started when Thomas Hunt Morgan a biologist in the 1900s, this time in history people did not know how genes pass down to generations so Morgan wanted to find out how.

During Morgan's research, he found a male fruit fly with white eyes instead of the usual red eyes, and this was only passed on to the male fruit flies and not the females. 
He found out that the generic factor that determined eye color was the same one that determined gender. And Morgan was able to get a Noble prize for his findings.

One of Morgen's students named Herman muller also used fruit files and found that X-rays and other ionizing radiations can cause genetic mutations by breaking apart chromosomes, and that can cause genes to mutate, get deleted, and multiply. And that could be passed on to the offspring.

Scientists found how an embryo works, and what an embryo can do, this research was named "Notch", and with "Notch" they found out what cells are too to transition other types of cells during "Differentiation".

Notch also keeps intact cell multiplication, cell survival, and equilibrium, meaning that any mutations and abnormal signaling can cause developmental problems and cancers.

And the use of these fruit flies is far from over, they are being used to study wound healing, the effects of pharmaceuticals, how the brain works, and cancer as a whole, teaching us about how tumors spread, and how certain cancer cells resist medication.

And they also have to sleep, so we study them for sleep too, to find out why we have to sleep.

Also, they are used in space travel, so we use them to test how space travel affects the human body.

And how microgravity works, and we know how the heart gets weaker as the heart doesn't have to fight gravity. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

History of the Cardigan

In the 1800s, James Brrudenell the 7th Earl of Cardigan, a British Army major general in the Crimean War, led the charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava
The cardigan was named after the Earl because of the knitted wool waistcoats that British officers supposedly wore during the war.

It was said that they won the war purely by the popularity of the Cardigan, made originally of wool, and usually had buttons to wear or other fastening pieces in the front.

Used by fishermen on the french and British shores, and proved a valuable asset to keep out the cold from the sea's harsh and freezing cold winds.

The usage of Cardigan was that it was used in Suit jackets, and used as a less formal form of the waistcoat. It is the most popular during the cold weather as it is a warm and thick piece of clothing.

It originally came from a knit sleeveless vest, but it became more popular after the 1920s and to the 2010s to now. And they are comfortable pieces of clothing to this day. 


 It is in the baltic, and the debated have the geographical center of Europe.

They did have one of the highest Jew populations and were a big part of the Holocaust.

They have the highest stork population.

They have the highest baltic amber and the most deposits in the world.

2.8 million in population.

Euro as their currency.

Latvia and Lithuania are the only two baltic countries in the world.

Top three in suicide rates.

It is considered bad luck to whistle in a house since they belive that it will catch on fire and burn.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Minhaj al Muslim By Sh Tariq Appleby pt: 7

 Allah is infinite in forgiveness, and he knows everything about you and what you would do.

There is a difference between Greater sins and Lesser sins, you can use good deeds like praying can wipe away most lesser sins.

 You wipe away the greatest sins by doing Taubaht.

 Ayatul Kursi is the best Surah in the Quran. Because Ayatul Kursi says that it is only about Allah and nothing else, it is all all about his greatness, and about his blessings.

To believe in Allah is the best deed,  it is the best thing in Islam.

Jihad is the second, to fight for the sake of Allah.

Haji is the third and to not show off to others that you went to Haji. and do not boast but purely for Allah.

Islam is built on five pillars:

Testifying that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah.

And that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

Praying five times a day.

paying Zakat.

doing Haji.

And Fasting in Ramadhan.


Sunday, February 19, 2023

History of the Duvet

The Duvet usually called the comforter or a quilt in US English, it is a type of bedding used with feathers, wool, cotton, and sometimes even silk, or a synthetic alternative.

It is usually fitted by a removable cover, like a pillow and its pillowcase, it term "Duvet" is mainly used by the Britsh, the best feathers are taken from the "Eider duck", which its feathers insulate the most heat.

The word Duvet was from the French meaning "down".

The earliest mention of the Duvet is from China in 3000 B.C. From the Viking times duvets from the eider duck were made by people in Norway, then in the 15th century "featherbeds" (mattresses), were used by the Rich monarchs of continental Europe, but during the 16th century most rich and wealthy people from Europe used feather duvets.

In the mid of the 18th century Thomas Nugent, an Englishman on a grand tour of Europe and noted that they did not sleep in padded clothing for comfort before bed but instead put the padded clothing on the bed. 

It was not until the 1960s that they were more widespread.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Youth Talk Class: 11

If Allah does not let it happen then it will not happen.

The entire universe belongs to Allah, Allah is the owner of everything, as he created everything.

Allah can destroy anything he wants, earth quake buildings are safe, but if Allah wills it, he can destroy the "earthquake" proof building.       

Friday, February 17, 2023


 It is the 6th smallest country, considered a microstate. It is only 24.5 kilometers long, and 9.4 kilometers wide.

The capital Vaduz with only 5200 people living here.

They have lots of castles.

Liechtenstein is in the Rhine valley.

They export power tools and textiles since they can't export anything else for their small size, they also make lots of fake teeth.

There are more registered companies and jobs in Liechtenstein, than people living in Liechtenstein, which is why most of the workforce has to come to Liechtenstein from Austria and Switzerland.

Liechtenstein was part of the holy Roman empire.

The population of 38k people.

Swiss franc as their currency.

They speak Deutsch.

There is a legend that Liechtenstein joined the Astro-Prussian war, but they came back with negative casualties, as the army of 80 soldiers returned to the country with a friend, and after that, the military disbanded.

It is a monarchy and they are one of the wealthiest royals in Europe with a net worth of about 7.5 Billion, they are very friendly and down to earth as they often visit cafes and talk with local citizens.

Also there is hardly any crime as most people with a sentence of over 2 years are sent to Austria, and it is said that people don't lock their front doors.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Science of Beekeeping

Beekeeping known as Apiology is the oldest honey that dates back to the 35th century BC.

Beekeeping has been around for centuries and the earliest forms are in Greek myths and legends.
Beekeeping is a form of agriculture and it serves as a source of food medicine and other comedies such as candles. In Ancient Greece, beekeeping was thought of as an "agricultural art", and Aristotle who is a famous greek philosopher, he wrote lots about bees in his book Historia Animalium.

Beekeeping is an art that this pass down to generations of beekeeping families, Sir Edmund Hillary, drove a tractor across Antarrcicaa and was the first man to climb mount Everest is an experienced beekeeper. 

Beekeeping and honey farming is far from just being a hobby and a career, it is an important part of the global economy and is vital to the agricultural industry.

Honey, beeswax, and venom have all been used by medical professionals for decades or even centuries.  

Honey is now commonly found on cough drops to treat sore throats.

Beeswax is a common ingredient in pills and creams. And bee venom is used to treat Arthritis and pain to relieve to it due to its anti-inflammatory properties. 

Monday, February 13, 2023


 Arabs that speak Italian yeah that Libya, and had a king that tried to crown himself king of Africa, and was afraid of elevators.

Tripoli is their capital.

Also, they have lots of Ruins in Lybia.

There is no transport kinda, so you can fly around the country or take a long road trip if people are traveling south they normally take in extra Jerry cans since they have to travel through the desert, and they also have roads going through the desert.

Lybia holds the 9th largest crude oil reserves in the world, the largest in Africa, and makes 97% of the exports.

6.5 million population.

Lybian Dinar as their currency.

The histroy of Icecream

 It was named "Cream Ice" in the 17th century and commonly appeared at the table of Charles I.

France was introduced to a frozen desert somewhat like "Cream ice" by the Italian Catherine de Medici who 1553 
that she became Charles I's wife. It was not until 1660 that ice cream was made for the general public.

Over aaa thousand years later the famous adventurer named Marco Polo returned to Italy from the Far East with a recipe closely resembling the likes of what we call not Sherbet

The first official announcement for ice cream in the US is from a letter written in 1744 by the guest of Maryland governor Wiliam Bladen. It first appeared in the "New York Gazette", on May 12 of 1777, then Phillip Lenzi announced that it would be available "almost every day". 

President George Washington spent almost $200 USD on ice cream alone, during the summer of 1790. 

Until 1800, ice cream remained a rare dessert eaten by mostly the elite and wealthy. After 1800 insulated ice houses were invented and ice cream became an industry in America, made by the Baltimore milk dealer in 1851 named Jacob Fussel. 

Ice cream production skyrocketed after technological advances, including steam power, mechanical refrigeration, the homogenizer, and electric power and motors.
And today's total frozen daily production in the US is more than 6.4 billion pounds annually.

During WW2, the military tried to outdo the others by serving Icecream to their troops. And in 1945 the first "floating ice cream parlor" was built for the sailors in the western Pacific ocean. When WW2 ended the dairy rationing law was lifted and the Americans ate 20 quarts of ice cream per person when they celebrated the end of the war in 1946.

Sadly Ice cream parlors and traditionally made ice cream is starting to disappear, as more supermarket ice cream and store-bought ice cream are more accessible and most of the time cheaper. 

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Youth Talk Class: 10

The Earthquake in Turkey is a terrible thing, as 25,000 Muslims (maybe a few non-Muslims) had their lives taken from them.

Do not celebrate deaths, non-muslims, or Muslims. Even if they are not following Allah, do not say "Yay they are dead, less corruption in this world :DDDD". Don't do that.
"Whoever meets the need of his brother,  Allah will meet his needs" - Bukhari and Muslim. 

When there are earthquakes, strong winds (tornados), and similar natural disasters, we make Dua to Allah for forgiveness and to seek refuge in Allah to keep us safe. Allah sends natural disasters as a reminder to turn to him for the utmost safety.
Allah sends signs not to warn, but to be afraid of Him.

If you need help with food, money, or help with anything, Allah will provide that help,

Allah tests those with Calamites (The Turkey earthquake) and tests the Muslims and the non-muslims. There is always a benefit to the calamities and the tests sent by Allah. All you have to do is stay strong and keep going until that dark period of the test goes away.

Tests of hunger, thirst, and loss of money, are tests that Allah gives to people to test their faith in Islam.

A Martyr is five: A person who dies of a severe Stmough illness. Who died of the plague, The one who drowns not by himself but by the sea while on a boat, one who is crushed (by earthquakes), and the one that fights in the path of Allah. But there is no guarantee that it is a 100% chance they to go to Jannah, but is a significant amount to go to Jannah.

One of the signs of end times is the increase in earthquakes which is happening. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The science of Electricity

 Electricity is the movement between atoms the particle needs an electron, which carries an electrical charge. Electrons have either a positive or negative charge.

Lighting is a form of electricity, lighting is electrons moving from the cloud to the ground.

Static electricity is normally when you rub a carpet and get a small shock, or if you rub a balloon against a pair of jeans, and put it to your hair it makes the hair stand up on itself, that is called static electricity. 

Electrons give electricity by being shofit out of orbit from the center of its nucleus and if they get pushed out of orbit, they make electricity.

What a shocking learning experience.


 They used to have ebola but don't no more. In 2014 the outbreak of ebola happened and in months of containing and quarantining the whole country it kinda just stopped infecting people, and is of the top 20 countries in the world for its GTP.

The capital is Monrovia which is named after US President James Monroe.

Liberia was named the Pepper coast by the Portuguese since they found the Malagueta peppers that grew there.

It rains a lot here. 

The population of 4.6 million people.

You can use the Librarian Dollar but they do accept USD. 

They also are one of the only 3 countries in the world that use the Imperial system of measurement (like the US and Myanmar.

Liberia was made by free slaves from the US.

They had two civil wars.

The History of the Bell

 The bell is titled as a "percussion instrument" such you strike the bell to make a sound, bells normally have a clapper or a hammer on a pivot in the center of the bell to make the sound.
When you hit the bell the bell hits the center or the "clapper", which makes the sound resonate.

Bells are made normally of Bell metal which is a kind of bronze, cowbells, church bells, and clock bells, usually use this Bell metal to make their bells.

The word Bell comes from the German word Bel meaning "to roar" or "to make loud sounds". 

The earliest mention of bells in history is from the 3rd millennium BC, it is from the Yangshao culture of the Neolithic era in China. 
It was named the "Clapper bell", which was made of pottery and was found in several archeological sites, the first bells in west Asia were in 1000 BC. 

The earliest metal bells were from the Taosi site and the Eritou archeology site. With more bells from the Shang dynasty.p TI was found for parts of gear for horse-and chariot gear as well as a collar bell made for dogs.

By the 13th century, bells were being cast that weight over 150kg, After 1000 AD. People used bells cast from metal instead of bronze for their bells, the earliest dated bell was manufactured in 1079 in the Hubei province in China.

Bells are part of religious celebrations and traditions.

History of the Karambit

The Karambit, which is Indonesian is a curved knife from the Minagbakau people of West Sumatra, and it is one of the weapons used in Pencak silat and Filipino martial arts.

It was first for peace as it came from an agricultural place for cutting plant roots, it was a smaller version of the Southeast Asian Sickle.

It was inspired by the claws of a tiger, and it became weaponized by the Minagbakau people of West Sumatra, and along with it being used as a weapon, they added it to be move curved to maximize the cutting power of the weapon.

The two grips are the Hammer grip which the blade is up and the pinky finger in the hole at the foot of the blade, and the traditional way which is the blade facing down, and the index finger in the hole at the foot of the blade.

More modern forms of the Karabint have it being made from expensive materials and being titield as one of the type of blade named a "folding blade".


Lesotho's capital is Maseru.

They have the world's second (after Lukla in Nepal), most dangerous airport, where the runway falls off a cliff.

Lesotho is mainly mountainous and they have snow,  so they have Afriski, which is a ski resort in South Africa.
Temperatures can go from -7 to -18 here.

Lesotho was ranked the world's least carbon-emitting country.

Also, they are known for Diamonds, and they found the world's most expensive diamond going for about 40 million USD, and is the size of two golf balls.

A population of 2.5 million people.

The currency is the Lesotho Loti.

how a defibrillator works

Defibrillators work by sending an electric pulse or a shock to restore the natural heartbeat, they are commonly used for arrhythmia, and defibrillators are used for slowing down the heart rate, or a quickened heart rate.


Different types of defibrillators like AEDs (which are battery operated and check the heart's rhythm and send a shock to the heart to restore the normal heart rhythm) are automatic and are used for people experiencing cardiac arrest. 

They use stick pads with sensors that are attached to the chest of someone who is having a cardiac arrest, and the electrodes in the sensors check the heart rate, and a small computer in the AED checks the heart rate and administers the correct volts necessary to get the heart back to its normal heart rate.


ICDs are used in surgery using the chest or stomach area, which checks for arrhythmias. Arrhythmias can interrupt the flow of blood from the heart and if it gets bad it can fully stop your heart, the ICD sends a low-powered shock, and if the low-powered shock does not work, it will send a higher-powered shock.  

The ICD can record the heart's electrical activity and heart rhythms so that it can help the healthcare provider fine-tune the programming of the device so that it gives the correct amount of electricity.


WDCs have sensors that attach to the skin, and they are connected by wires, that check your heart's rhythm and deliver the shock when needed, the WCD and the ICD both can do low and high-powered energy shocks, the WCD detects when you have an arrhythmia, and will send aa shock to correct the rhythm, this will take bout a minute, this device can give multiple shocks during an arrhythmia. After each  arrhythmia episode, you must replace the sensors.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


 The capital is Beirut.

The Cedar forests are one of the most important things in this country, and they even have a Cedar on their flag. They are the most sought-after trees.

Also, there is an underground electronic market which is very expensive, and constant electricity is hard to get here as you need generators to get consistent electricity.

The population of 6 million people.

1.1 -2 million refugees live here since from Syria.

And currency Lebanese Pound.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023


 A baltic country.

The capital is Riga, on the gulf of Riga.

Latvia has 4,000 historic wooden buildings, more than any European city.

They were part of the soviets and they have ghost towns that once held soviet officials.

They also made a prison into a hotel where guests get treated as prisoners.

They have lots of fortresses.

Latvia has 12,500 rivers.

The population of 2 million.

Euro as currency.

The history of the car

 Ahh, the car, is the main form of transportation for most people on planet earth.

Cars were invented in 1886 when a German inventor of the name Carl Benz, made the Benz-Moterwagen and it became widely available during the 20th. One of the most widely owned was the 1908 Model T (which is the classic roofed car from movies like Sherlock holmes, and old-themed movies and TV shows). The Model T was made by the Ford Motor Company. 

In the US cars were replaced by horse-drawn carriages. Not until automobiles were not in high demand but after 
WW2, a car was part of a "Developed economy".

Cars have controls to park drive and for extra passengers. And over time many additions were added to cars to make them drive better and be more comfortable, such as air conditioning, more comfortable seating, and suspension for smoother driving. 

Most cars are powered by an internal combustion engine and fueled by fossil fuels, but electric cars use electricity to function, it is estimated to be cheaper to buy an electric car instead of a regular fuel-powered car by the year 2025.
The most reason to use electric cars is for the smaller carbon footprint and to help with climate change, as electricity can be made from wind and water, and other sources but fossil fuels are finite. 

But repairs and maintenance, fuel, parking fees, taxes, and insurance do impact the price of a car. The costs of maintaining roads for cars are expensive.
And traffic and accidents are one of the most deadly in the world taking the lives of 46,000 people a year in 
accidents and crashes worldwide.

The benefits of driving a car are convenience (as public transport can be uncomfortable for some), and mobility to go anywhere you wish at fast speeds compared to walking. 

There are more than one Billion cars in use worldwide.

Cars are a vital point in the planet's economy and a massive industry making billions a year.