Saturday, February 11, 2023

Youth Talk Class: 10

The Earthquake in Turkey is a terrible thing, as 25,000 Muslims (maybe a few non-Muslims) had their lives taken from them.

Do not celebrate deaths, non-muslims, or Muslims. Even if they are not following Allah, do not say "Yay they are dead, less corruption in this world :DDDD". Don't do that.
"Whoever meets the need of his brother,  Allah will meet his needs" - Bukhari and Muslim. 

When there are earthquakes, strong winds (tornados), and similar natural disasters, we make Dua to Allah for forgiveness and to seek refuge in Allah to keep us safe. Allah sends natural disasters as a reminder to turn to him for the utmost safety.
Allah sends signs not to warn, but to be afraid of Him.

If you need help with food, money, or help with anything, Allah will provide that help,

Allah tests those with Calamites (The Turkey earthquake) and tests the Muslims and the non-muslims. There is always a benefit to the calamities and the tests sent by Allah. All you have to do is stay strong and keep going until that dark period of the test goes away.

Tests of hunger, thirst, and loss of money, are tests that Allah gives to people to test their faith in Islam.

A Martyr is five: A person who dies of a severe Stmough illness. Who died of the plague, The one who drowns not by himself but by the sea while on a boat, one who is crushed (by earthquakes), and the one that fights in the path of Allah. But there is no guarantee that it is a 100% chance they to go to Jannah, but is a significant amount to go to Jannah.

One of the signs of end times is the increase in earthquakes which is happening. 

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