Monday, February 27, 2023

Science of smoking

Cigarettes have a chemical called Nicotine, which when in inhaled causes a rush of dopamine to the brain, and makes you feel good, but not without its downsides, after the dope meme hits, then it releases depletes, which causes the smoker to crave another cigarette, and each time they have to take more such as they have to take one for the first time smoking, and then three for the next, then 7, then so on and so forth until one pack and then... And that's why they are addicting, the- end.

Ok not really. 
Smokers often smoke at special times during the day, like someone takes a 
calming cup of tea or when you feel a certain way, a cigarette could be something to relax.

Smoking can also be a social part of someone's life, as often smokers have groups that smoke together on a weekly or daily basis. 

Smoking is one of the most common deaths in the US, thanks to the weakened lungs from nicotine.

80% of smokers said that they had an easier time stopping smoking with help from family and friends convincing them to stop smoking. you can also help people addicted to smoking by getting healthcare providers to help with the person's addiction.

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