Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Physics pt. 12: Analog vs Digital signals

 Analog is trying to reproduce the signal of what is happening, think changing a piano piece, to a guitar tab, it's the same, but different.

A digital signal turns sound to ones and zeros to then does its best to reproduce the original sound, think chiptune music, and 8-bit audio.

The problem with analogue signals is interference, let's take a number, 24 in this case and let's make it analogue, if you were to take the 24th signal, if it were to be analogue, it would not be straight, as it would be a wavy line, and it may not look like a 24 because it would fluctuate.

But if you were to take a digital signal, that 24, will always be a 24, and never go higher or lower, and not fluctuate either. That's why when you listen to guitar it sounds more bouncy, while listening to more chiptune music it will sound more robotic and less genuine.

Talking is an analogue signal, and when you add words, you are "encoding" the signal with words,  

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