Thursday, March 6, 2025


The country is named after the Nicaraguan tribe and Aqua, which is the Spanish term for water.

Located in Central America, it is a bi-coastal nation with coasts on both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, located under Honduras, and above Costa Rica/

The border between Nicaragua and Costa Rica is just enough so that Costa Rica doesn't get access to lake Nicaragua, which is named after the countries named after, the narrowest corridor is only 2 miles wide or 3.2km, then on the border of Costa Rica they take the whole Portello lake even though it is fully enclaved in Costa Rica.

The whole country is split into 15 departments with 2 autonomous regions, their capital Managua, directly below lake Managua or Xolotan, which is where the largest airport is.


Monday, March 3, 2025

Specialised Exchange Surfaces

These types of exchange surfaces are parts of an organism that exchange substances with the exterior envorment. 

Our exchange cells in our bodies are the Villi, and the Alveoli.
Its job is to exchange Oxygen and Carbon dioxide in our blood, but the Villi, which are our intestines, help with absorbing glucose and amino acids.

The roots in the bottom of the plant have their root hair cells, which help absorb the water in the surrounding soil, along with the leaves, to help them absorb COin the air.

Something to help with these exchange surfaces is a large surface area, so by having hundreds of millions of Alveoli in our lungs, it makes it a larger surface area, having a large surface area increases the amount of diffusion and can also help with the diffusion rates. 

Another thing about diffusion surfaces is that they are often very thin because it makes the substances diffuse over a short distance, for root hair cells, the water only has to diffuse through a thin cell wall and membrane,
this is known as a 'short diffusion distance', which increased the speed with which the plant can absorb. 

Other types of diffusion surfaces are blood, as the blood has to flow and diffuse throughout the body, so having glucose dissolve into the blood that gets taken away to the intestines to then be replaced by more blood.

Another good thing to keep in mind is a 'good supply of external mediums', a good example of this is keeping a good supply of Oxygen for your lungs, when you breathe the Oxygen mixed with the Alveoli, which helps keep a steady concentration gradient for your bloodstream.

Series Circuits

Learning the difference between Series and Parallel circuits is important. 

In series circuits, the components are added in 'series' or in one line, as if they were all on one wire. The thing about this type of circuit is that if the wires break, the whole circuit stops working.
This also means that the potential difference is shared throughout the circuit.

You might get an equation like this :
Vtotal = V1 + V2 + V3.

If we were to put a 12-volt cell or battery, and have two filament lamps on the circuit, both lamps have to add up to 12 volts

On the other hand, current is the same everywhere in the circuit. To measure it, we use ammeters, which are placed in series, and since they measure current, we can place them anywhere in the circuit.

Resistance is how much the component resists electricity, and the total resistance is how much all components resist, so to calculate the resistance in ohms, we need to know how much power our components resist. 

So, let's take a 6 ohm circuit and connect two filament lamps. One lamp requires 4 ohms, and the other requires 2 ohms.

To calculate this, we can use the equation "V=IR", which is named Ohm's law, the 'V' in the equation means voltage, so first we multiply the 6 ohms by 2 to get 12v or 12 volts, then we divide the 12 volts by 6 because that's how many ohms are flowing into the circuit, to get 2A or tao Ammeters 2, this whole thing calulsates the whole circuit, but that hapfpenss if you need to calculate a single compident. 

To get the resistance of a single component, get tww

Find a component, let's use a 2 ohms filament lamp, now to use Ohm's equation again, now we have to rearrange the equation to fit the problem by changing it to be 'I=V/R', so we calculate the voltage by getting the amount of power coming