There are many types of turtles, to soft-shell turtles to river Terrapins,
Soft shell turtle have, well, A soft shell, and they have webbed feet.
River Terrapins are turtles that can tuck themselves into their shell, and have webbed feet and can lift their bodies to walk.
And young turtles known the same beach they were born in, even after 20 years, and humans still don't know how they do it, it is like they have a compass in their brain.
What are dangerous to turtles, the TCS, conservation and the Turtle conservation society because, and teaming with kumpung people.
Why are they endangered? "It is because they sell turtle eggs, they have laws about selling turtle eggs but they are all different states, but current law ONLY applies to leather back turtles, if the human population increases, but the turtle population decreases."
Why can't we eat turtle eggs? "if the turtles are extinct we have no way of bringing them back, don't eat turtle eggs."
How old can turtles be? "The bigger the turtle, the longer it can live, the leather back turtle can live to see 100 years old, but the
green back turtles live to 50 years old, since it is small."
How are the turtles seen in Malaysia? "In Malaysia, Terengganu is where turtles mostly lay their eggs, Penang has special turtles named Penyu lipas (Cockroach turtle."
Are the mother turtles picky to chose a beach when they want to lay their eggs? "They need the right condition, to lay their eggs, they need sandy beaches, some developments they put stones and bricks on beaches that cover the sand."
What happens if turtles lay eggs in the ocean? "They cannot lay eggs in water, because the sand makes constant temperature, and light to grow, they are buried 20 CM below below sand, for the Terrapins, the TCS buries them in a enclosed area, with light and good temperature, for the sea turtles, we don't relocate them, because the place that they are buried, are for balanced amount of turtle genders, if the place they are buried hot the turtle eggs will be females, and vice versa."
Where does the mother turtle go after laying eggs? "The mothers don't look after their eggs, the mothers don't lay their eggs at the same place every time, the young mothers lay eggs 5 times in one season, the older ones lay 10-12 times in one season, one time they lay eggs 100 eggs are laid, but the mortality rate is 1 in one thousand only grow to be an adult." (sad).
Terrapins lay 43 eggs MAX at one time.
How do you working to take care of the turtle eggs, don't sell them?
"We have other sources of income, so they won't sell."
Some people rely on turtle eggs for a source of income how to we make sure they are taken care of? "In Terengganu some beaches are designated to be for Turtle egg collecting for certain people only, and then the turtle egg sellers pick up the eggs, then sell them, Taiwan takes care of turtles until they are 20 years old and then they release them and then they die, because they don't know how to look for food." (Also Sad).
Why do turtles take the same route to their beach? "When baby turtles hatch they go different routes, the sea turtles go all around the world, but Terrapins just spend their life going up and down their river."
What can we do to protect out beloved turtles? "In the 90s they did not know that the heat changed the gender, so the Seatru society work closely with 7 Ngos to protect 42 beaches, Tcs is the only Ngo that is doing the Terrapin conservation, not much research is devoted to Terrapins apposed to sea-turtles."
What can we do? "Increase our knowledge of nature, and don't sell or buy or help to sell turtle eggs, don't go to restrains that sell turtles, don't litter try to reduce waste and consume things, don't use one use plastic bags, and don't use plastic containers, if you are diving don't grab turtles and hold them, people can volunteer at the Tcs, share knowledge of turtles going extinct, or else there will be no more turtles."
Send this on social media let everyone know this is happening, it is not how many likes it gets, it is how many people KNOW ABOUT IT, if we litter & eat turtle eggs, there is a high chance that the turtles will go extinct, let that be a lesson to you, DON'T EAT TURTLE EGGS!, and. Goodbye.
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