"There are seven whom Allah shade with His shade on the day when there will be no shade except His: the just ruler; a young man who grows up worshipping his Lord; a man whose heart is attached to the mosque; two men who love one another for the sake of Allah and meet and part on that bias; a man who is called by a woman of rank and beauty but he says: ' fear Allah's; a man who gives charity and conceals it so such an extent that his left-hand does not know what is right hand gives; a man who remembers Allah when he is alone, and his eyes fill up."
Later in life, the sun will be so hot that the only people who have shade are people who do these things, none of these things are easy.
"Jibreel came to me and gave the glad tidings that whoever dies not associating anything with Allah will enter Paradise.
Don't' pray to anyone or anything other than Allah.
"He is not one of us who slaps his cheeks, rends his garment, and calls with the call of Jahiliyyah."
It is like having grief about a dead one, they died when Allah made them die, don't have this kind of grief, it is not allowed in Islam, no one will live forever, everyone will die, Allah loves who have patience.
"Be easy-going and do not be harsh; give glad tidings and do no put people off."'
Make things easier, don't be harsh, don't be uptight, don't' make things difficult, don't make Islam hard for other people, if everything stresses you out, that is not a good mentality.
"Whoever visits a sick person who is not yet dying, and says seven times in his present: I ask Allah, Lord of the might Throne, to heal you, Allah will heal him of that sickness.
Visiting the sick is a right, that sick people have over you.
"When one of you enters the mosque, let him not sit down until he has prayed two Rak' ahs."
It means greeting the musjid if you enter the masjid, it is recommended to pray two Rak' ahs, before sitting down, but it is not sinful, you are not allowed to pray at: Sunrise, Zenith (midday), Sunset, after fair after the sunrises, until sunset.
When a man dies, all his good deeds come to an end except three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, or a righteous son or daughter who will pray for him."
When you die, you die, you give charity now, it benefits others and it is like a well, then people use it, you will still get pahalah, and leaving knowledge, or having a child that prays for them.
"Whoever prays 'Isha' in congregation, it is if he spent half the night in prayer and whoever prays Fair in the congregation, it is as if he spends the whole night in prayer.
If you pray Fair and Isha you will get a reward that you prayed for the whole night, Isha and Fair is one of the hardest prayers to do.
"When a persons's child dies, Allah says to His angels: 'You have taken the child of My slave.' Then say: 'Yes He says 'You have taken the apple of his eye' They say 'Yes.' He says: 'What did My slave say.' They say: 'He praised you and said: "Inna lillahi was Inna ihaihi Raji' on (Verily to Allah we belong and unto Him is our return)." Allah says: 'Build to My slave a house in Paradise and call it the house of praise.'"
Allah was the one who killed the child, he knows when people will die, but WE don't' know when we will die.
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