Monday, September 14, 2020

Evolution by Dr. Yusif Abdul-Jobbar

 Today I learned about The History of Islam:                  (I missed this class a few days ago, so I am doing it now.)

In 1821 Darwin sailed the seas on the HMS Beagle from England to South America to Australia to collect the animal, and plant samples, when he got back to England he discovered 15 species of finch on the Galapagos islands, he found out that even though they looked the same, they had different beaks, Darwin looked into it further, and observed that the different beaks matched the food they ate, the finches that ate insects have thin beaks so they could pick up the insects better, and those who ate hard fruits had sharp beaks to get through the hard skin of the fruit.

He thought that "The birds must have adapted to the environment over-time". 
This lead to another idea he called 'The survival of the fittest'.
Darwin believed that those plants and animals lived longer because they had fur or some other ability best suited for their environment.

Darwin said (Roughly) "Monkeys became of Humans though Evolution."

Darwin's theory is confirmed not accurate because there are no fossils that show a monkey slowly turning into a man, Noah's Ark (Ark meaning a BIG ship, think the titanic, but made out of wood) was discovered in Turkey, so there are splinters of wood there, but there happens there are no fossils of Monkeys turning into humans. 

Animals can't make Towers, no animal can make an animal, Allah has made the animals different from us Humans, it is bad to say that Animals are the same has Humans, Pigs are made by Allah they are Allah creation, the pigs eat their own poo, so if we are animals, do we do the same?.

Allah has elevated us Humans, and Adam, we humans are a special creation.

Problems with the Darwin Theory:

1. Lack of information, like saying "this fish is swimming in the sea, then 100 years later the fish can fly 200 feet in the air."

2. The lack of Fossils in the theory, the Monkeys have no fossils, to know much.

3. Natural selection, the selection is full of gaps.

4. The failure of showing genetic code.

5. Humans show no skills that show a survival advantage.

"Or were they created by nothing? Or were they creators [of themselves]? Or did they create the heavens and earth? rather, they are not certain."

Humans can't make a housefly, but Allah has made the whole world and the hereafter.

Who is the Creator:

1. Created from nothing, imagine I grab peaces of nothing, sprinkle bits of nothing, and wrap it together with nothing, what do I get (This is obvious), nothing.

2. Self-created, can a mother give birth to herself, if WE were self-created then we can make ourselves Fly or live underwater, no a mother, a MOTHER can't give birth to herself, it is like saying 'can we exist and not exist.'

3. Created by something created, Anything that is limited can end, everything that was created, was created by something, then that was created by something, (unlimited loop created by something).

4. Created by something uncreated, Everything is not infinite, Allah has always been there, Allah is infinite, he has always been there.

Our brain is more complex than a black hole, Allah has made the Human brain, only Allah has the knowledge to make a human brain.

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