Today I learned about Armour of Eeman:
01, Free will and Accountability, all the choices we make we are accountable for.
02, Nature of this world: Temporary tests, everything will not last forever, if you have an earthquake, you will recover, nothing lasts forever, we all know that Allah is testing us in this Dunya.
3. Wisdom and benefits of Tests, it teaches us Sabr and the rewards of sabr, if you are going through difficulty will be rewarded, if a Muslim goes to difficulty your sins will be wiped away.
03. Perspective Matters, if a man on a train and there are kids running around, then the man says "Can you Move your kids" if the father says "Sorry for my kids, their mother died at the hospital, I don't know how to tell them". Are you going to feel sorry or not.
04. Why is there a delay in answering prayers, and why do some prayers remain unanswered?
01. No one tests Allah, No one asks questions to Allah if your prayers are not accepted, don't ask "Since Allah is not excepting my Dua, so there is no Allah," you can't ask Haram from Allah, like "O Allah please grant me Wine" you can't do that, no you can't.
2. Personal Evaluation, You can't just ask a dua and expect it to happen.
3. Definitive Evidence vs Circumstantial, I don't know what he said.
4. wisdom of Delay, Asking Allah for something that is an act of worship.
5 All texts to be considered, Islamic research must be rigorous so that no facts are left out.
05. How is divine justice reconciled with Allah's will and the prior writing of peoples' actions?
1. Revelation explains the relationship, if you want to go to Hell then do sins, then if you want to go to Jannah then stay away from sins and do good deeds.
2. Confusing Allah's knowledge and Will with compulsion.
3. Human Will and Causes/Means, We were made with a will, so we can do what we want.
4. Divine Will and Wisdom, this is around the same thing.
06. The Qur'an.
1. Linguistic Miracle - the challenge, everything in the Qur'an is a miracle, Allah is challenging you to make something like it, the Qur'an was made 14 century ago, and NO ONE can make a surah the same way as the Qur'an.
2. Information, Allah knows that there are people who are not Muslims but act like Muslims.
3. The Laws, When Allah looks at the laws, he looks at the laws he sees the whole picture, when we look at the laws, our laws are full of holes.
4. Facts about the world, our belief in Allah we have a broad understanding of Allah.
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