Wednesday, June 5, 2024


 So, the Burmese Python, is from Burma, and Myanmar is Burma.

Burma or Myanmar is what bridges China to most of SEA (Southeast Asia).

Bordered by five other countries: China, Bangladesh, Laos, Thailand and India, with a coast on the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal, they also have a small amount of the Kra Isthmus which is shared by Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore, the southernmost of the country named the "Kawthaung", on the coast they have over 800 islands and the southernmost island is Cristie Island if you go north the largest island is Kadan Kyun, but the Coco islands although are in India's territory, they instead belong to Myanmar.

The country is divided into 21 divisions, there are 7 states and 7 regions, the only thing that divides these states and regions is that the states have a more ethnic minority, while the regions have or Bamar have a more Burmese majority. The Sang state and the Sagaine region have 5 self-administrated zones and 1 self-administrated division. The capital Naypyidaw, is surprisingly the 3rd largest city in the country.
The largest city was Yangon, which was the capital until Naypyadaw was elected as the capital, having the largest seaport the "Myanmar Port Authority" and has their largest international airport "Yangon International", and the second largest city, Mandalay which was the last "royal" capital along with the second busiest airport Mandalay International.

They also have a well-developed railway system that transcends practically the whole country, while most people live along the Irrawaddy river and delta. 

Naypyidaw is actually a young planned city. There is technically no official reason why it was built, some say to make the capital more to the centre of the country as most are, and some speculate that Yangon was too crowded so they built an entirely new city to house the new rising population. But it is 4800 square kilometers it is huge, for scale New York one of the highest-density cities out there is 778.2 kilometres squared.
It has a very small population density around 130 people per square kilometre. and they have the eerie empty 20-lane highway.

Places of interest are:
The Inwa ruins, the Pagoda of holy snakes (you can get blessed by a snake),
the Mingun bell which is the second largest working bell after the Tsar bell in Russia,
Win sein yaw ya the largest reclining Buddha in the world,
The Shwenandaw Kyaung Temple,
The Nyaung Ohak Jungle Temple Village,
Mahamuni Temple in Mandalay,
The Kuthodaw pagoda is the largest book in the world carved in stone,
The Bogyoke market,
The Taukkyan War Cemetary,
The Indipence monument,
The golden rock, Shwegadon Pagoda,
and probably their most ancient and famous landmark The Anchent city of Bagan a pagan city with nearly 2,200 temples.

Surrounded by their neighbouring countries by mountain chains, you go the Arakan and Chin mountains in the west, the Naga Hills and the Hengduan Hills in the north, and the tallest peak in South East Asia Hkakabo Razi.
Then the Shan plateau, the Karen hills, Dawna and Tenasserim hills around the south, the geography of Myanmar is lush and flat with the important and largest river in their country.
The Irrawaddy, the water coming from the snow melt and springs from the Himalayan mountains in the north.

The largest lake the Indawyi, is in the north as well, floating on the water is the Shwe Myinzu Yele Pagoda.

Unfortunately for Myanmar, they are kinda sandwiched between the Indian, Sunda and Burma tectonic plates, and the middle of the country is the Sawgang faultline, which is subject to occasional earthquakes. But they get geothermal activity, and they have the extremely rare mud volcanos near the town of Minbu.

Myanmar has lots of natural resources, and precious stones like pearls, rubies, sapphires and jades. They also have a Pogoda made completely out of jade. And Myanmar supplies 90% of the world's rubies mainly coming from the Mogok mines. 

Over 300 mammals along with the Burmese white elephant, and over 100 bird species and their national bird the Peacock.

They are also part of the "Golden Triangle", which is basically the largest drug ring in South East Asia, and they are the largest producer of Meth in the world, and the second largest producer of Opium after Afghanistan. According to sources the amount of money earned from these legal or illegal purchases and selling would be nearly 2 billion USD annually, or 40% of their foreign exchange. 

Food that is tasty here is Lahpet, Mone-ti, Coconut noodles, Pae peyote htamin, lots of curries, Sanwin makin, Kauknyintok, and Moh leh saung. Shwe yin aye, and their national dish Mohinga. 

Oh, and they also make Thanaka which is sunscreen made from tree bark.

There are over 130 ethnic groups, with a population of around 56 million, and one of the lowest energy consumption rates in all of Asia. Around 56% is Burman or Bamar, the Shan at 9%, the Karen at 7%, the Rhakine at 4%, and the rest is made of the 130 groups with noticeable Chinese and Indian communities. 

Their currency is the Khat (Cha-t), yea "kh" makes a "ch" sound, the C, D, F and G plug outlets and even though they were a previous British colony they drive on the right side. But what is strange is that most of their cars have the drivers on the right of the car instead of the left. 

If you want to say someone from Myanmar you would say they are Burmese, and that's why the country was named Burma. but if you encounter a person from Myanmar who is not Burmese, do ask what ethnic group they are part of and call them that.

Most of the people from Myanmar speak Burmese, which is completely different from all their neighbours. Some say it is a distant cousin from Tibetan, and it is written in a sort of bubbly circles. 

On the religious side, 88% of the population is Buddhist, most in the Theravada branch of Buddhism. Around 6.3% are Christan among the Khachin, Chin and Kayin people. Islam at around 4% being the Kanmein Panthay and Pashu Malays. And the Rohingya.

And one of the 3 countries that don't use the Metric system, instead using the imperial system. That being the USA and Libera.
They also still use their own native Burmese measuring system. A "Lan" is around 6 feet or 1.28 meters, a "Ngase Tha" is around 18 lbs or 816 grams, and a Laa Myu is 2.7fl oz or 29.9ml. 

In 2013 the government tried to incorporate the metric system over time.

There are lots of things to list about Myanmars culture, like the silver jewellery of the Jingpo people, the flowery headdresses from the Lisu people, the Kaya people with their red sashes, the Mon people with their music, the Moken divers, the Rhakine and their coastal traditions. The Shan and their food, the Pa o and their fire rockets, the Wa people and their water buffalo sacrifices, the Taron people with only 5 people in the world still alive, and an average of around 4 feet tall, and the Padung people with elongated brass ringed necks.

Chinlone, it is a wicker ball hacky sack game with 6 players, and is similar to muaythai but you can also use your head, many people wear the Longyi which is similar to the Malaysian Sarung. 

The country is a Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional republic.

Historically there were many kingdoms and royal households although the royal throne was abolished in 1885, but the descendants of this throne are named "monarch pretenders". 

A rough history is Animist and Hindu kingdoms, Buddhism came in, the Pyu people, the little Bagan kingdom, the big Bagan kingdom, Mongols invade, the Tungoo empire, Kongbaung Dynasty, Sino Burma wars, wars with Thailand, the Konbuang kingdom, then the British come in, colonised by the British, WW2, Japan helps get rid of British overlords (learn later that Japan is worse), get help from the British and force the Japanese to leave, Independence in 4th January 1948, Coup, socialism, change their name from Burma to Myanmar in 1989, military rule, Democracy in 2011, and then the Rohingya crisis.

Famous people of Burma or Myanmar descent are The kings Anawartha, Alaungpaya and Bayinnaung, Bo Gyoke Aung San, Nay Toe, the artists Ba Nyan and Ba Gyan, Suk Bahadur, Wutt Hmore Shwe Yi (actress), Aung La N Sang, Sai Sai Khan Leng, Aung San Suu Kyi.
Some other people with Burmese heritage include Peter Barakan, Jamie Cullum, Zuleikha Robinson, Morisaki Win, and Richard Beckinsale (1/4 Burmese).

Myanmar has some strange relations with other countries, one being India, they worked together to stop drug trafficking, and they are the 4th largest trading partner for Myanmar and the 2nd export market. 
Myanmar has also strange relations with China, as they had some border wars, and Myanmar didn't really like the Tibetan 
annexation, but then in the 80s China-funded much of Myanmar's military and agreed to build a Chinese Intelligence base on the island in the Great Cocoa islands.

As a member of ASEAN, they mostly get along with their Asian cousins, Thailand did have a lot of wars in the past, but both came to a consensus to work together to further the development of their nations. 
And is the largest trading partner, and 
80% of the Thailand immigrant workers are from Myanmar.

Although they were treated pretty badly in the past, Japan seems to be on pretty good terms with Myanmar, many Japanese companies have opened up in Myanmar, and Japanese volunteers go and help the orphaned children by building schools and hospitals. 


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