Wednesday, August 21, 2024

History pt 9: The Hebrew Bible

Around 5000 BCE, King Menes was able to unite upper and lower Egypt, this was mainly due to the Nile River which winds from south to north. 
So maps showing the South are considered the Upper part of Egypt.

The Pyramids of Giza were built around 2500 BCE or around 4,500 - 4,600 years ago, which is fairly early in the Egyptian empire,

Then in 1700 BCE, there was Hammurabi who ruled over the Babylonian Empire, known for the code of Hammurabi which are written laws made by himself, and be believe Abrahim grew up in Ur at the same time as Hammurabi, during this time the Pyramids are only 700-800 years old.

If we go to the year 1700, Ibrahim goes to what is now Judea and they established Judea.
But they were not the first people to live in the area of what is now Judea the Canaanites, Phoenicians and others in the region.

Then around 1700 BCE, according to the Old Testament Joeseph (Abraham's great-grandson) went to Egypt to become the Vizier for the Pharoh.

Then in 1500 BCE the migration of Jewish people, where they were enslaved, then in the story of Exodus. Moses parts the Red Sea to escape the Egyptians, and the Jews go back to Jerusalem, in 1200 BCE, this happens according to Genesis. Then Joeseph sets his people free during Exodus and makes their way back to Jerusalem and Joeseph parts the Red Sea. 

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