Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Kinetic Energy

 Kinetic energy relies on the Speed and Mass of the object, so the faster the object is moving the more kinetic energy is stored.
But if two objects move at the same speed, the object with more mass will move faster.

Let's take two objects, one ball and a plane, let's say the ball mass is 0.1kg and is moving at 4,000 m/s, and the plane is 20 tons moving at 5m/s, now it's not clear which is moving faster.
To figure out which object is moving faster we can use the equation of:

Ek = 1/2MV^2.

The E is Energy, while the K means it is kinetic, so Ek is = "Energy Kinetic", M is mass which is Kg in this case, and V means Velocity.

Now let's do the Equation, the most important is to keep the mass the same, so let's turn the 20 tons into 20,000kg, and to make it consistent we can do the 0.1 ball weight and divide it by 1,000 to get 0.0001kg. Now it is ready to be plugged into the equation.

First, we have to get the 1/2 or 0.5, so we put: "0.5 * 20,000 * 5^2" (this is 5 squared or 5*2, keep in mind that it is the speed being squared not the whole thing.
Now doing the equation gets us 250,000 Joules, which we rewrite as 250,00kj.
But for the ball, it is "
0.5 * 0.0001 *  4,000^2" which equals to about 800 joules or 0.8kj, so the plane flying at 5m/s with the weight of 20,000kg is travelling around 312.5 times faster than the 0.1kg ball going at 4,000m/s.

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