Stem cell medicine can help with Paralysis and Diabetes, but it also comes with its own risks, as it is slightly unethical and dangerous.
Once again stem cells can divide by mitosis and they can also differentiate into different kinds of cells.
The main types of stem cells are Embryonic stem cells which are found in the early embryos usually from embryos from growing infants to grow into babies, and stem cells found in the bone marrow inside all ages, but the stem cells from the bone marrow can only differentiate into different blood cells.
Lots of medical issues come from damaged or faulty cells, as diabetes is one of them due to the cells in the pancreas not producing insulin, while paralysis is due to damaged nerve cells which can't move, and Sickle cell anaemia is caused by misshaped blood cells this is where the stem cells come into play, as we use the stem cells to replace the faulty cells to help the patent.
The most common way to do this is for scientists to take embryonic stem cells, grow them in a laboratory, and then stimulate them enough to turn them into the specialized cells necessary.
For example, when scientists want to treat someone with diabetes, they will take some embryonic stem cells, and then stimulate them to turn them into insulin cells, and then inject the cells into the patient pancreas too.
For paralysis, it is the same thing, first, take some embryonic stem cells, then stimulate them into nerve cells and then inject them into the patient's limbs.
There are some slight problems about using stem cells in medicine such as embryonic stem cells. It is because we need embryonic stem cells, we need them from embryos and collecting the embryonic cells involves some ethical issues.
And also a rejection of the stem cells, so the immune system might destroy the carefully obtained cells, although we can give medication to slighty reduce the risk of the immune system thinking it is harmful.
The easier way of getting stem cells is from Adult stem cells, but these cells come with a large caveat as they can only differentiate into blood cells such as red and white cells.
These can combat blood cell disorders like SicklCeliaia, but since these cells cannot be used in other applications like paralysis and diabetes. But new research is finding out that we can implement adult stem cells in other ways than just blood cells basically turning the adult stem cells into embryonic stem cells.
One of the dangers of this is that, where the scientists gather the stem cells also matters if the doctor has a virus of any kind, it might affect the patient and might even cause more problems in the future.
Another problem is that the stem cells might cause tumour development, as the cells can divide via mitosis so quickly, that having the cells form into tumours might be a danger by forming cancer or a tumour.
The ethical part of using stem cells is that you are using embryonic stem cells, since the scientists are using the cells that could be used to foster human life, into something to save a suffering patient.
Some people believe that creating a new human life is much more valuable than saving one who pain or suffering, while others believe that saving an individual who is in pain is better.
But something to keep in mind is that the embryonic cells are from fertility clinics that are unwanted by their hosts and would have been destroyed.
Also, certain governments heavily regulate this form of research, while some ban it entirely due to the ethical part.
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