Monday, January 13, 2025


 Most circuits are made out of components, and circuits are made in closed loops. 

The most common way a circuit is powered is by a cell, connected via a wire, one of the most common components in circuits are filament lamps, which are connected via the wire, and glow when connected to the cell or battery.

We can also connect a switch to the wire so that we can stop the flow of electricity from reaching the bulb. 

Sometimes you would write I electricity, when measuring electricity flowing through a wire they are named amps, or amperes are written with the letter A.

Potential Difference is the force driving the electricity around the wire which is supplied by the battery or cell, like what pumps the electricity through the wires.

Then, there Voltage, which is measured in Volts or V, which is electricity which is supplied by the cell or battery.

Lastly, there is resistance which resists the flow of elections which it slows down the speed of electrions and we name it ohms using the Greek letter omega Ω

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