Thursday, June 30, 2022

The falklands pt: 1

The Falklands. 

The English probably wasn't the first people to find the island but they were the first to write it down in 1765 they made Port Egmont, but on the other side of the island the french made a port a year earlier, and for a while, they did not know that the other was there until the awkward moment where they saw each other.

Then the Spanish showed up and said that a couple hundred years earlier said that the pope drew a line on the map saying this side belongs to Portugal and this to Spain so the Falkland island is in Spain's territory since Spain and the french were good friends and Spain was willing to pay to get the island.

But The French were a bit salty after the 7 years of war and said that don't let this island get into the hands of the English, then the Spanish said "pope map island is Spain's".

The English said no but the Spanish had more guns so the British left.

Then England threatened to go to war, and Spain said to France "hey wanna join in the war" and Etienne Francois de Choiseul said that "yes we will launch a full-scale invasion of England" but then King Louis XV said "no".

So Spain had to give the settlement to the British saying it's still our island, then the British said no its still our island. And then some people in the US got a bit rowdy so the British had to go and focus on that but they left behind a plaque saying it's our island.

The island was in Spanish hands but Napoleon turned on the Spanish and took over most of the country and took Kind Ferdinand the second, and the Spanish colonies in South America were wanting independence, so Spain also had to leave the island.



Capital and the largest city Port Louis.

There is a place in Mauritius called the 7 Colored piles of the earth which has 7 colors of soil.

La Pouche peak is an island where you can see the whole island from up there.
and the National animal is the dodo bird that went exient.

Population of 1.2mil.

Science pt: 4

 Scientists are looking at how plants move, to design prostetic hands, plants have no mussels and no brain so they have outside stimuli.

The carnivorous cape sundew plant has tentacles on its leaves and sticky fluid on the tips of the said tentacle, when a bug flies into the sticky fluid the plant curls its leaf to trap the insect, scientists saw that plant increases the pressure in the cells of the plant and that causes the curling, and that can be useful for soft robotics, like prosthetic hands close on a pencil.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Science pt: 3

 There is a thing called a table saw and has made so many accidental amputees than any other consumer product, but a thing called saw stop, how it works is it has a small amount of electricity through the saw blade and when you hand reaches the saw blade it stops, but it does not work like a car break like a low break we don't have for that so what happens is a spring launches a piece of metal into the saw blade to stop it and it stops it in 5miliseaconds meaning that it is fast to stop BUT. Most table saws don't have this feature this so don't be touching saw blades.

Monday, June 27, 2022


 One of the top 10 least visited countries in the world.

The capital Nouakchott or the place of winds.

Nouakchott is like the start of the Trans African coastal highway.

They have their own train to transport mining goods.

Nouadhibou has one of the biggest ship graveyards.

Most of the wildlife is on the border with Senegal.

The Harmattan the harmattan is the famous dry wind of the Sahara desert, come in November and March.

slavery is one of the big problems in Mauritania

Science pt:3

 What is a chin for hmmmmm???.

Some people think it's for biting harder or talking better but everyone knows it looks nice.

But scientists think it is called a spandrel A trait with no benefit but as a side effect of something else, but we gotta find what that *something* else its.

Marshall islands

 Named after John Marshall.

It is in Micronesia and the capital Majuro holds half of the population.

Most of the island is made out of atolls they are like ring-shaped islands of unbreached underwater volcanos, and the pacific ocean has lots of them and most of the islands are a few meters wide.

Most people travel by boat or small plane 15 to 50 miles or 24 - 80 Kilometers.

Also, the US destroyed one of their islands with a Nuclear bomb and there's a ton of radiation at that site.

The Marshall islands want to be a sovereign country but they also want to have that distinct status, and US and Marshalls are allowed to move and live in each other's countries.

The Marshalls get US postal services and defense and the US gets to use the old bases they built in WW2, and the same is for Palau and the Federated States of Micronesia.

Castle Bravo was the largest atmospheric nuclear test ever done by the USA, if you look at satellite images you can see craters of where the bombs detonated, the Enewetak atoll is inhabited as the US built a Radioactive containment dome known as the cactus dome it is NOT RECOMMENDED to go there but some people still go there though.

Most of the protein is from fish.

The population of 54k people.

Friday, June 24, 2022

science pt: 2

Plants can ooze acid. Arabidopsis Thaliana if a plant is under an infectious attack they ooze 7 times more acid in their roots than their normal amount and this attracts bacteria, and the bacteria triggers the plant's defense against infections and can help the plant defend against most of the attack

Football war

 Honduras and El Salvador went to war because of soccer or football.

If you look at the counties, Honduras is bigger than El Salvador, but El Salvador had 3,7million people compared to Honduras's 2.6million.

But El Salvadoran farmers had not enough land to work on and went from El Salvador to Honduras for more land, by the 1960s 300,000 immigrants went to Honduras.

In Honduras in 1963 and Oswaldo Lopez Arellano did a military coup to prevent the rise of communism, and is now the military leader of Honduras, once Oswaldo got the job of president he began harassing the farmers and other less rich groups, but he that his leadership was not legitimate enough so he did an election and won, then the opposing party says that it was faked and also their economy was in ruins.

Oswaldo blamed the Salvadorans for stealing land and ruining Honduras, and the Honduran government started evicting Salvadoran immigrants.

And Salvador could not take the immigrants coming back to El Salvador, as the tension started rising then FOOTBALL happened.

The 1970 World Cup Qualifiers and both countries finished top of their brackets.

It was time to play against each other in qualifying matches, 1. 8th June 1969 2. 15th June 1969
3. 26th June 1969.

The first match was in Honduras and the night before the game Honduras citizens went in front of the Salvadoran hotel that the football team was staying at and made loud noises to keep the Salvadoran players up. and Honduras won the match against the sleep and tired Salvadoran players, after the match a young Salvadoran fan named Amela Bolanos could not cope with the fact that her country lost in football and shot herself. The Salvadoran government glorified Amelia and made her a National Hero.

The next match was in El Salvador, the Hondurans had a sleepless night at the hotel because they played the UNO REVERSE CARD and made a ruckus, instead of the Honduran flag they hoised a white cloth sheet. Team Honduras lost and went home in a bulletproof bus with rocks being thrown at them.

Since the defeat Hondurans have terrorized the El Salvadoran players because the Salvadorans won 0 - 3.

The final game in Mexico would decide who would go to the world cup, it was 2 - 2 until El Salvador won the Mexico game 2 - 3. 

Attacks on Salvadoran immigrants increased.

El Salvador had enough and declared war.

The football or soccer war is also known as the 100 hours war because that's how long it lasted one of the shortest (thankfully) wars in history.

El Salvador started by carrying out air raids on specific places in Honduras, like the Toncotin International airport so that Honduras would not take planes, then El Salvador took their higher population the military on two roads with light tanks and infantry, El Salvador almost go the capital and that's when the US said. "hey can you stop fighting" then El Salvador said "unless they stop being jerks" so the war went on.

Honduras finally got into the sky and with aid from Nicaragua, they carried out air raids on Salvadoran ports and air bases.

They were in a stalemate when the US said "ok we will help you get the immigrants back to El Salvador safely then the US said "withdraw your troops" El Salvador  "said no", the US said "do it or we will sanction you (and we know what happens if that happens) then El Salvador said "ok".

Both Economies were destroyed, and El Salvador lost every match in the world cup so and no one won.


Thursday, June 23, 2022


 Malta most people now the maltiness dog, but is not the national animal.

Movies like Gladiator, Troy, Captain Phillips, and Game of Thrones, were shot here the whole country is a museum.
It is an island nation near Italy.

Valletta is the capital and has over 300 monuments UNESCO says that it is the most historical area in the world.

Beige and tan-colored houses are made from Mediterranian limestone.

They made the Popeye village for the popeye movie they built it in anchor bay here and we're just left there.

The Azure window a 28-meter stone arch in Gozo island was destroyed in a storm in 2017.

They like meat and they like seafood and pasta.

The population of 450mil people.


 Some archeologists found hardened dumplings in tombs in China.

Nobody knows who first made dumplings but most believe that nomad Turkish people made Manti or dumplings or steamed buns, Turkish people most likely stuffed their dumplings with meat, but in China, it was starting to get famous, Shu Xi a poet spoke about foods from "alien" lands and spoke about dumplings as Mantou and named the prep of dough balls Lao wan, packed with pork and seasoning and dipped in meat sauce. After a while Dumplings were to take different kinds of shapes and sizes, instead of normal meat fillings vegetarians opted for veggies instead.

Other dumplings were made with rice tapioca and sweet potato.

When the Ottoman empire was created they imported dumplings from China, instead of having them filled with pork they would use lamb instead.

People also think that the Mongols help distribute dumplings to eastern Europe.

Dumplings mean Little lumps and it is thought up by 16th century England.

And was imported to Korea and was eaten with Kimchi, and Japan which was named Gyoza and was pan-fried.

Science pt: 1

 Some birds have a dominant foot yeah, they are not ambidextrous though most birds will choose a foot that did the task correctly because don't mess it up if you did it fine the first time right?.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022


 An African country with the richest guy in history. Mansa Musa

Capital Bamako.


The Great Mosque of Djenne is on their coat of arms.

Mali is on the west African craton which is a geological thing.

The Niger River is a very important river in Mali.

Mali has 18 million people and has the 3rd highest birthrate in the world.

West African CFA franc as currency.

French also colonized.


 This country is the lowest country in the world, atolls are the entire country.

Male is the capital.

The smallest country by land area in Asia.

The airport and main island are separate but by 2018 cars and land vehicles have access using the China and Maldives friendship bridge.

This country is one of the best Honeymoon spots in the world but the bungalow houses can go for 10-30k dollars and a very touristy country.

This place has a lot of Coral reefs and most of the biodiversity is underwater they also like seafood.

500k population of people.

Maldivian rufiyaa is currency.


 Transmitted by air in 1350bc smallpox hit Egypt, prisoners spread smallpox and killed their king, and transported by merchants, in the 20th century alone killed more than 1 billion people. 1022 ad in the book "the correct treatment of smallpox" in the book the monk that lived in O Mei Shan ground up smallpox scabs to let healthy people inhale it, and if they survived smallpox they never got smallpox again. 

Named Variolation.

Then Edward Jenner found in dairy maids, dairy maids got cowpox, which infects cows, women who got cowpox did not get smallpox.

Smallpox and cowpox are from the same family of viruses, so cowpox was used to make a cure for smallpox.

Vaccination was allowed but Variolation was not.

Prohitbiton in the USA pt 2

 So if you read part one you already know what happened.

Making alcohol Iligeal made Alchohol a thing that was valued, so there were gangs bringing alcohol all around the US, some Illegal stills used to make moonshine was used to make alcohol.

Since they were using moonshine to make Alchohol, the government added toxins, making people go sick and die.

Many people imported Alchohol by sea and they made a system called Rum Row just beyond the US maritime limit.

Bootleggers sailed out to take Alchohol from Rum row.

Roy Olmstead became rich from selling Illegal Alchohol.

Corruption was EVERYWHERE it was soo easy for a jailed bootlegger to give thousands of dollars to guards to let them go.

A Michigan mother made a small amount of moonshine and was sentenced to prison for life.

George Remus was a lawyer but saw that bootleggers paid large sums of money and made it look easy so he decided to bootleg, Remus was smart though what he did was he realized that there were lots of Alchohol in the distillery and Alchohol was only given to drug and medical companies sooooooo, he made his own "medical" company and imported Alchohol, the made his own transport company and transported the Alchohol, then he would send his men to intercept his delivery and and "take the Alchohol" and sell it, and Remus would be guilty to be violating the Volstead act 3000 times, 2 years he spent in prison his wife said would control the money while he was in prison but his wife had an affair and filed for divorce. sold everything in the mansion, and when Remus went home to the mansion everything was gone, a few months later he saw his wife in the car during the diverse trial got in a cab, and told the cab driver to run the car over after the car was on the ground he shot his wife, he handed himself in and was on a murder trial, he claimed he was insane, after 20 minutes of thinking the court said he was not guilty.

There were also underground secure drinking spots that looked like homes or shops and you also needed a password to get in, it was so hidden that everybody knows about them Speakeasies if one was shot down more would pop up in its place.

You see if you make something Legal you can control it, but make it Illegal then all rules go out the window. 

Wayne Wheeler was trying to enforce the law but it just did not work.

Now Mobsters and Gangsters were getting into this and gunfights were in the streets and every city had a main Gang leader, Chicago had more gang violence than anywhere else in the US, then Al Capone came in, and most gang leaders would try to keep murder away from the police but he was different he spoke about his exploits on the media, one minute he would be killing a guy next the would be smiling on camera.

And just like every other person he gave money to guards to let him go.

Pauline Sabin was a rich woman and had a secret wine cellar in her mansion, she supported prohibition but after seeing what it did to the US, did not try to try to enforce prohibition, but to stop it entirely.

On the 14th Feb 1929. Al Capone Mobsters and cricket some Irish Mobsters to meet them to sell Illegal Alchohol, but they were police officers instead so the Irish Mobsters got shot down against a wall, The Valentines Day Massacre made people sick of the violence, the Hoover the President at the was pressured to do something, the government was trying so hard to capture Al Capone but they did catch him, for not paying taxes, while Al was in court he was really chill and did not bother, but what he did was a threatened the jury family's, so the court replaced to the jury with another jury, and lost and sent to prison for 11 years.

The final nail in the coffin was the stock market died, the great depression, violence prohibition, and bribes the people had enough, so they wanted to reelect a new president Franklin D. Roosevelt, once Franklin won by a landslide he made beer Legal, Wayne Wheeler was dead btw, and everyone was happy to drink beer and Alchohol at bars.

So the Mobs went to Illegal Drugs after Alchohol became legal.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Prohibition in the USA pt 1

 Alcohol was drunk a lot in the USA in the 1920s in the 19th century 7 gallons of alcohol per year compared to the now 2 gallons of alcohol per yeah that's a lot 1 gallon is the same as a standard plastic milk container.

The women of the USA said that Alcohol is bad.

Most fathers and men drink alcohol daily.

And some women protested, a woman walked the streets and prayed, and at one point someone called the fire department to hose the women praying.

Some men gave up drinking and some saloons (a bar) owners closed down.

The woman formed the WCTU or the Woman Christian Temperance Union.

A woman named Carrie Nation brought an axe and a bag of stones and traveled town to town destroying saloons.

But the woman protested a bit too much and was disregarding their families (hey sounds familiar, that sounds like the husbands) and most of the men didn't know how to do housework and had to stop protesting.

Remember reading about the WCTU well there's a guy called Wayne Wheeler, instead of the woman trying to fix multiple problems he focused on one thing alcohol.

Also, the Anti-Saloon League (the one Wayne is doing) did propaganda.

When the Law that Alchohol went Iliegal most of the people faked their no drinking thing, but went to go get some illegal, but obviously there were some loopholes that the US citizens began to exploit.

Whiskey used for medical was allowed, so doctors became bartenders 

Also, rabbis had wine to give as well so many people were becoming rabbis to give alcohol to other people.

No one was enforcing the alcohol law so...  Is it a law, the bureau of prohibition had only had 15000 agents to cover the ENTIER COUNTRY 

Monday, June 20, 2022


 Eswatini is an African country the capital is Mbabane

This country was called Swaziland but then changed their name language is iswati.

Both The king and queen of the countiry rule or counted as a duel monarcy nation.

Friday, June 17, 2022



pinnular Malaysia and Malaysia Borneo and is one of the islands shared by 3 countries Indonesia Malaysia and Brunei.

Capital Kuala Lumpur but most of the government is in Putra Jaya.

Singapore used to be part of Malaysia but then left because of agreement issues.

Petronas towers are the tallest twin towers in the world that you can walk between.

Batu caves are cool too.

We have a Legoland too.

Malaysia has a country to tank natural disasters, earthquakes by Indonesia, hurricanes by Indonesia, and the Philippines, and volcanos are a none.

And the Malaysian tiger.

We have our own National Car Proton.

the population of 32mil people.

Also, Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor went to space.

Thursday, June 16, 2022


The capital lilongwe has a lake called Lake Malawi and they are very protective of the lake, they own an island near Mozambique.

the north is the rainiest.

Lake Malawi holds the most species of fish than any other lake in the world.

Malawi is top 5 as one of the poorest countries in the world.

William Kamkwamba is from here and he made his own windmill to make electricity, he's on ted talks and wrote a book.

Friday, June 10, 2022


 Lemurs people think of lemurs, they sell gems too, also Baobab trees also they sell 60% - 75% of the world's vanilla.

The People are named Malagasy.

Russian Revoluction (pt2)

 Basically, Rasputin died of murder and WW1 with Germany.

The Tsar advocated because of Fammen and fighting.

The war was making everyone angry because no money no food and fighting, also Lenin tried multiple times to make a revolution and then after the 3rd try he did.

Thursday, June 9, 2022


You can drive all around Luxembourg in 45 mins.

The capital is Luxembourg City.

Over 100 Castles and Luxembourg has the largest geographical footprint in the world 

Russian Revolution (pt 1)

 So there was a thing called a tsar it with is a big government but as one guy and the family of the tsar because of death and this one guy called Tsar Alexander the 2nd and basically he was a tsar but like as a teenager imagine a teenager but as a government, Alexander said that he was not fit to rule and also they had a massive loss of money so that what started, and lots of things went wrong, like famine and proverty, and Russia was very late on the upgrading of the nation, so when Russia started adding factories and then people had bad working conditions, and then they went on strike. Plus protests with the poor people equals bad. Also there was a peaceful protest by Father Gapon (a priest) that they just wanted the Tsar to make their lives easier, but the Tsar just left so they replaced Alexander with a lot of military people, and then after the guy that was at the door of the Tsar house and many people got shot down by guns. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2022


Lithuania the capital is Vilnius. Lithuania claims that they have the geographical center of Europe although most European countries disagree. They were also part of the holocaust in WW2 also they had a big Jewish population. their currency is the euro. And is known for its amber.

Monday, June 6, 2022


6th smallest country in the world, the capital is Vaduz, and they made lots of false teeth, they use the Swiss franc as their currency and a very low crime rate.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022


The capital is Tripoli, this country used to be a savannah but now it's a big desert, with a population of 6.5mil people, Libyan dinar as currency, a mainly Muslim nation and is one of the best Quran memorisation in the world


An African nation that most people don't go here because of Ebola... But not really there is no more ebola anymore since 2016, and since not many people go there so you can go to a beach with no people, and rain lots of rain and spicey food tasty fud, Liberian dollar as their currency, most of the people here were freed slaves from the US.

And Civil wars two of them.