Thursday, June 30, 2022

The falklands pt: 1

The Falklands. 

The English probably wasn't the first people to find the island but they were the first to write it down in 1765 they made Port Egmont, but on the other side of the island the french made a port a year earlier, and for a while, they did not know that the other was there until the awkward moment where they saw each other.

Then the Spanish showed up and said that a couple hundred years earlier said that the pope drew a line on the map saying this side belongs to Portugal and this to Spain so the Falkland island is in Spain's territory since Spain and the french were good friends and Spain was willing to pay to get the island.

But The French were a bit salty after the 7 years of war and said that don't let this island get into the hands of the English, then the Spanish said "pope map island is Spain's".

The English said no but the Spanish had more guns so the British left.

Then England threatened to go to war, and Spain said to France "hey wanna join in the war" and Etienne Francois de Choiseul said that "yes we will launch a full-scale invasion of England" but then King Louis XV said "no".

So Spain had to give the settlement to the British saying it's still our island, then the British said no its still our island. And then some people in the US got a bit rowdy so the British had to go and focus on that but they left behind a plaque saying it's our island.

The island was in Spanish hands but Napoleon turned on the Spanish and took over most of the country and took Kind Ferdinand the second, and the Spanish colonies in South America were wanting independence, so Spain also had to leave the island.

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