Monday, October 31, 2022

Lizards climate change

 Being a lizard during this climate change part of the earth may suck more than most because they are Ectothermic which means that they don't control their body heat but instead use the outside air to regulate their body heat.

Like all things they do have a limit, in all biological species temperature plays a big role in the natural life of animals.

They are unlike Endothermic animals which can regulate their body heat.

Even if the animals like a warm environment, too warm might be too much. 

A group of scientists from Denmark wanted to see what the climate crisis would do to ectothermic animals on earth, they started by looking at 300 published papers on 314 ectotherms subject, they also looked at the heart rate of the animals, and the metabolisms rate,  they dug even deeper and the results of that research were rather gloomy, they found that over 120 published studies on heat failure for 112 ectothermic species, they found that even as low as 1o c increase in temperature it can increase the chance of heat failure or death to 110%, so most likely result in 2100 if the temperature increases to 2.7o c ectotherm's chance of heat failure and death increases to 774%.

So global warming is bad.

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