Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Physics pt. 10: Waves

If you would take a rope and tie it to a pole jutting out of the ground.
Grab the other end and move it up and down, you will notice it waves up and down performing a waving motion, a wave is a disturbance, which can probate.

A mechanical wave is a type of wave that travels through a medium in this case it is the rope, and something to keep in mind is that waves transfer energy but not transfer matter.

Now what does that mean?.
It means that the moving of the rope is moving the rope as it is transferring energy. While it's not moving the ropes position as it is still attached to the pole. 
As the kinetic energy of your hand moves the rope causes it to move.

The period in a wave is measured in seconds and tells us how long each wave cycle takes to complete. 
Next is the wavelength, which as the name suggests the difference in distance between adjacent waves.

To calculate this, you would do an equation that looks like this: Frequency = Cycles/s = hz. 
Or the frequency is wave cycles divided by seconds. To get speed you would calculate distance * time. 

Different types of waves move at different speeds. For example, lightning is a form of wave that has two "Waves", the 1st wave uses the bright flash of lightning, and the second wave is the thunder that accompanies the lightning. Both are waves.
The reason why you see the bright light faster is because it is an electromagnetic wave, which is light, which travels faster than sound.
Electromagnetic waves are special as they don't need a medium to travel fast, that's why you see lightning before thunder. As different waves move at different speeds. 

When you speak, you use soundwaves to push the particles in the air around your "soundwave" and people around you can hear you.

When you look at a wave, you will see, well a wave.
But there are names to the parts of one, the tips or the elevated areas are named "Crests", while the drooping parts are named "Troughs", and the distance between the resting line of a wave is named "Amplitudes", and the distance between waves are named "Wave-lengths".

A wave's "Frequency" can be measured by how many crests appear at a certain time, say 25 crests in 5 seconds, meaning that every second there are 5 crests every 1 second.

Light can be perceived as a wave. Light can be seen as different colours and the frequency can be how bright the light is, and visible light is called electromagnetic waves.
Like Ultraviolet light, X-ray, or Gamma rays. Or Infrared, or radio waves. And these are different frequencies of what we classify as electromagnetic waves. 

Transmission means when a wave transfers materials.
Let's take the sun for an example, imagine how many materials the sun's rays have to pass through to hit the green grass.

First, it has to travel 93 million miles from the deep vacuum of space and that's interesting as light doesn't need a medium to travel through, unlike sound and, electromagnetic waves.
And has to travel through kilometres of the Earth's atmosphere. 

Sound waves are just travelling pressure waves through the air, if you are in a room, and you close the door, you can still faintly hear outside as if someone is speaking to you from outside the sound waves have to travel through the air and then while the air is vibrating with the sound wave, go to the direction of the closed door, and vibrate the air around the outside, though the door and in the room you are in, some frequencies are better at travelling through certain materials.

If you were to put a pencil in a cup of water, it looks like the pencil is bent, and it is refraction, as it is light refraction.
But light refraction is not the only wave that can be refracted, 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Human fertilization and early development

 When sperm wants to go to the egg, it is actually one of several 100,000,000,000 sperm cells that had a race to see who would get to the female egg first, as when you are born these many sperms would race to see who would be the one that combination of DNA from your father.

A sperm cell is a gamete from your father, and an egg cell is a gamete from your mother.
Each gamete has 23 chromosomes, not chromosome pairs, but chromosomes.
Once the egg is fertilized, the 23 chromosomes form the 46 chromosomes or 23 paired chromasomes.

A Zygote is a fertilised egg, which has 46 chromosomes is made out of two cells or nuclei, but these aren't fully fused yet so they are named pronuclei, which is where most of the genetic makeup of your father and your mother is given to construct you.

Once this happens the cells start dividing, splitting into 2, then 4, and you get a cell division every couple of days. Until you have 16 cells named morula which after 5-9 days, the morula keeps splitting and now has around 200-300 cells, which is now named a Blastocyst.

Doctors and scientists use a table which plots the average childbirth process. But they always start on week 2, why week 2?.
It is because of a gestational age. Which starts when the mother has her last menstrual cycle. Note that this could be 2 weeks before the day of conception of the embryo.

At week 2, starting the embryo stage, which starts the human embryo at the size of a blueberry.
Appearing 7 weeks after the conception of the embryo. Most would call this a fetus. Being around 5cm in size, the boundary between embryo and fetus is not really well defined, but most if not all believe that after the 12th week, it is a fetus.

Around the 42nd to the 46th week or the 9th month is when the baby is ready to be extracted by the mother. 

But the 27th to the 30th week or 7th month has a viable survival chance if the baby were to come out of the womb, it would survive, but most wait for the 42nd week.

By the 5th month or the 23rd to 26th week, if the baby were to come out it would have a fifty per cent survival chance.


Friday, April 26, 2024

Malay: pt 10 Speaking to a store clerk

For speaking to people using Encik or cik (pronounced: en-cheek, and cheek. You should cut off the word cheek and cut the word short) 
Meaning "Mr"" or "Ms", for addressing strangers.

If they are asking what you are looking for, you can say Saya tengok tengok je (pronounced: teng-oak teng-ock, jeeh), tengok meaning "look" and Je being a shortened version of Sahajeh meaning "only".

Let's say you want to ask where the toothpaste is, you could say Mana ubat gigi? (pronounced: Ma-na, u-boat, gee-gee) ubat meaning "medicine", and gigi meaning "teeth".

When you ask for things you can say Ada ubat gigi tak? (pronounced: A-da, u-boat, gi-gi, taak?), which translates to "Do you have toothpaste?". In this case, tak which commonly means "no", is used in the form of a question, the tak at the end helps, so that the person you are talking to understands that you are asking a question. 

Ada (pronounced ah-deh) which means "Have" is used in the sentence above.

Tolong tunjuk kat mana boleh tak 
(pronouced: to-loong, tuun-juk, kaat, ma-na, bo-leeh, taak).
Which means "Can you show me where at?".
Tolong means "Help", Tunjuk means "show", Kat is a shortened form of Dekat which means "At", Mana means "Where", and Boleh means "Can". 
Normally in Malay adding a tak is used when you want to ask a question, is what is it translating to. 

If they have what you are looking for they might say 
Boleh sila ikut saya (pronounced: see-leh) which translates to "Can you follow me", sila meaning follow.

If they guide you to the right item Barang yang Encik/Cik cari ada sebelah sini dan sini (pronounced: Baa-raang, ya-ng, seh-be-lah), which translates to "It is here or here mr/mrs". 

Now if they don't have the item you are looking for, they would say Maaf, tak ada, stock (pronounced: ma-aaf) which translates to "Sorry no stock", if you notice we used the English word here, because it is easier to say the English word compared to the Malay word. 

If they are awaiting the arrival of a new shipment of stock, you could say Bila nak sampai stock (pronounced: Bee-leea, saam-paai, stock).

Bila stok baru sampai (pronounced: Bee-la, stock, bah-ru, saam-pai) which translates to "When will the new stock arrive".

They might respond with Maaf saya tak pasti (pronounced: paas-tea) which translates to "I am not sure",, pasti meaning "sure".

If they have stock they might say Stok bahru sampai mingu depan (stock, baah-rue, saam-pai), which translates: "New stock arrives next week."

Barang yang ada warna lain tak? (pronounced: Baa-rang, yaa-ng, waar-nah), which translates to "Does this come in a different colour". Yang meaning used as "one", not the numbering but like "this one" or "that one".

A little fun fact, most Malaysians speak Manglish or Malay + English. And it's a combination of the two, some words are faster to say in English than it is in Malay.

Let's take the word "Order" for example. In Malay, it is Pesanan (pronounced: Peh-sa-nan), but most people don't want to say a 3 syllable word. So instead you could say Saya nak order, most will understand what you mean.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


 On the east coast of Southern Africa, and bordered by 6 other countries, those being: Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Eswatini, and their coast is the Indian Sea.

And nearby Comoros and Madagascar.

Divided into 10 provinces and their capital Maputo in the south of the country, and Maputo has the largest and only international airport, Maputo International, after Maputo the other two largest cities are Nampula and Beira along the coast.

But most of the seaports are in Maputo, Beira and Nacala.

Mozambique has three archipelagos. The: Qurimbas were in the north, Primeras in the south and Bazaruto a little more south than Primeras.

But they also own an Island, the Island of Mozambique which was first inhabited by the Swahilis, then a sultan which is where they got their name from the sultan being named Mussa Bin Bique.

Then the Portuguese came and made a naval base out of, strangely coral, the chapel of Nossa Senhora De Beluarte, which is confirmed to be the oldest European build structure in the southern hemisphere. 

Some interesting places to visit include:
The Heros Square, the Benguera Lodge, the historical Imhambane buildings, the abandoned Beira hotel, and the statue of Samora Machel in Maputo, the Lion house which lions apparently like going there.
Many beaches like Tofo beach and Ponta do Ouro.

Mozambique lies where the African plate meets the Somali plate, where the East African rift starts and ends.

Mozambique is generally flat with the highest peak, Mount Binga shared with Zimbabwe, then the largest lake is Malawi, shared with no shocker, Malawi.
But the Cahora Bassa reservoir is the largest inland lake and it is the 4th largest man-made lake in Africa created by the Cahora Bassa dam, which powers about 80% of the country on the Zambezi River.

Mozambique is a very biodiverse country, having 250 species of mammals and 740 species of birds.
These mammals range from "The Big 5" (
lions, leopards, rhinos, buffalos, and elephants).

And the Nyala antelope and Aardwolf, and the national animal the African Elephant, poaching is a big problem here, being the illegal ivory trade from the elephant tusks. The most protected area is the Niassa Nature Reserve, which is badly maintained and unfortunately helps with the poaching problems.

Mozambique had to change a lot due to its civil wars. The country collapsed due to mismanagement, changing 1200 state-owned enterprises to private ones and adding a value-added tax system for goods and services.

Most of their debt is greatly reduced due to the IMF's Heavily in Indebted Poor Countries initiative.

Even though they have one of the highest GDP growths, they still rank as one of the least developed nations.

Fishing and agriculture are a vital part of most citizens' lives and make up 80% of the workforce.
Exports include Aluminum, Lumber, Cotten, Prawns and Sugar, and Gas and Oil.

And focusing on Tourism with a high-quality volume plan which focuses on wealthy travellers with money to spend. 

If you look at most of the beach resorts in Mozambique they are lavish and highly ordained with decorations and flair. 

Most of the food is reminiscent of Portuguese, and strangely Arab influence. 
Some foods are Kanana, Matapa, Xiguinha, Collard greens, Galinha zambeziana, Piri-peri chicken, and Carapau which is the most eaten fish in Mozambique. And Xima (or Ugali). 

Strangely enough, they refer to themselves as a commonwealth, while never being inhabited by the British.

A population of 32.97 million people, and half the population is under 15, 99% of the population falls under the Bantu people group, and the other 1% are foreigners, usually Europeans.

The main Bantu groups have their own little territory in their country. The largest group the Makuhwa which lives in the north. And have interesting family ebony wood carvings. And they also have a stilt dance where they (obviously) dance while wearing stilts.
The Swahili live around the coast, 
The Shona Karanga live around the Zambezi valley.
And The Tsonga and Nuni live around the south.

The Mozambique Metical as their currency and types C, F, and N plug outlets and drive on the left side of the road.

Portuguese is the only government and media language spoken in Mozambique, however, it is considered a second language compared to the Bantu mother tongue.

Around 56% are Christian either Catholic or Protestant. 18% are Muslim. Before Portuguese colonization, the Arabs came in and set up ports around the coasts. 

Ngungunhane Gungunhana was the leader of the Gaza empire in southern Mozambique and was the nephew of Shaka Zulu.

The Capulana dress is a common garment worn by women.

Dancing is popular here as the Chopi people have dances normally depicting battle. The women on Mozambique island have a rope jumping dance. The Chewa people have the Gule Wamkulu which is a UNESCO as an oral and intangible heritage of humanity. 

History is interesting:
The San hunters and gatherers, the Bantu migration, the arab in Indian exploration, the arab slave trade era, Vasco de Gama shows up, and the Portuguese colonise for centuries, fighting for independence, indigence in 1975, a new USSR communist party named FRELIMO takes over, the national resistance part takes over, civil war years, civil war ends in the 90s, joined in 1995 to the commonwealth of nations, and in 2015 Mozambique is considered landmine free.

Famous people from here are:
Samora Machel (the first president), Joaquim Chissano (another president), Mr Bow, Liloca, Mia Counto (author), Hugo Diogo (Dygo boy), Maria Mutola, Paulina  Chiziana, Moreina Chonguica, Gran'mah, Ricardo Pinto Jorge, Lizha James, Goncalo Mabunda, And Abel Xavier (football coach).

Countries that have close ties to Mozambique are: the USA and China both investing and helping with HIV and AIDS, and China helping with the Maputo bridge. And helping issues, after the US and China, and their Lusaphone South African cousins (lusophone means Portuguese speaking).
Strangely Italy is their highest export partner. |
They love Brazilian TV shows and movies. 
And they love signed agreements to allow visa-free travel between the countries.

South Africa and maybe Portugal, even though they were conquered by them (Portugal), still keep close ties in business, and cancelled nearly 400 million in debt. And South Africa is part of the business that keeps Mozambique afloat, about 1/3 of exports and 1/4th of all imports come from South Africa.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Physics pt. 9: Energy

 Kinetic energy is a type of energy that relies on mass and speed, to exist.

So let's say you roll on the ground a lightweight ball and a heavy ball, with the same force, the heavier one will roll faster since it has more mass. 

But if you roll the lighter ball with more force than the heavier one, the lighter one will move faster. 

The equation that we use is Ke = M* V^2
Ke means kinetic energy or kinetic energy is equal to Mass times Velocity squared.

Potential energy is energy that is stored in an object. And it has the potential to output that energy to say, Kinetic energy.

First is Gravitational Potential energy.
Let's take the earth for an example, lets put a yellow ball 50 feet in the sky, and another red ball 100 feet into the sky.
Which ball do you think will fall the fastest, well its the red ball because the red ball is further away and has more GPE or Gravitational Potential Energy 

The second is Elastic  Potential energy.
Let's use a rubber band as an example, if we pull on it, and when we let go, it will spring back to its normal position, but wait, why did it snap quickly and not slowly go back into shape, well Elastic 
Potential Energy. Another good example is a spring as when you compress a spring, it will try to "spring" back and cause the Elastic Potential energy, to happen.

Third is Electric Potential energy.
Which is an object that is electrically charged due to another charged object, which means that a positive charge and a negative charge is next to each other they attract. While two positive or two negative charges repel.

Forth and last one is Magnetic potential energy.
Magnetic potential energy is a type of energy that comes from the magnetic force of magnets, not only the position of the magnets matter (how near and how far they are). But also the orientation of the magnets affects the potential energy.

All these are potential energy. Potential energy, in summary, is an object's orientation, position, and the material it is made of. It is compared mainly using mass, size and shape.

Energy cannot just "disappear" as part of The Law of Conservation of Mass, "Matter is not created nor destroyed", so if one object loses its energy, another object but inherit that lost energy.

Energy can change forms, for example, if you were to use a blow dryer, it turns electrical energy into heat or thermal energy.
Or when a car speeds up too fast, the kinetic energy while driving is turned into thermal energy.
And when you hit the breaks on a bike, the breaks cause the wheels to stop and cause the tyres to produce heat because of kinetic energy and friction.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Quranic stories pt.17 by Sh Tariq Appleby

 Even if a deed is small and insignificant, it matters to Allah. As Allah knows all that is seen and unseen.

Allah will test you and will put you through turmoil. And he will show you many unenjoyable things. 

When you are seeking knowledge, do not take shortcuts. If you are really interested in seeking knowledge, then you take your notes, you look at them. Revise the notes.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Quranic stories pt.16 by Sh Tariq Appleby

 Luqman said to his son to pray and establish prayer. And encouraged his son to enjoy what is good and forbid evil. 

And he tells his son to be present when doing both. Enjoying what is good and forbidding evil. 

Do not turn your nose up to people and be arrogant and boastful. As Allah does not like that. 
Be humble and not full of pride.

Be moderate with pace, and lower your voice, as the ugliest voices are the baying of donkeys.

Also walk and speak without pride, as you can tell if someone is prideful in the way of walking, or speaking.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Quranic stories pt.15 by Sh Tariq Appleby

 Luqman was either a wise man.

Some say his occupation was a shepherd, carpenter and tailor.

One opinion was that He was an Abysian slave, or from Israel.

Wisdom and knowledge are different.
For example let's say there is an employee that doesn't arrive on time, to work.
The using knowledge is simple as the answer is to fire that employee.
But now let's say he's the best employee in the company, now it gets tougher as you need to consider that he is the best in his field. So instead you could say "You can arrive late, but, you must finish your work on time.

If someone has only bad deeds and no good deeds. It is still possible to be forgiven. But Shirk (associating partners other than Allah).  

Disbelief only harms the disbeliever.

Ismail's father was Ibrahim. And when Allah asked Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismail. And He said, "Go ahead and sacrifice me, father". And before Ibrahim was going to sacrifice his own son.

Luqman started by prohibiting his son from committing shirk.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Quranic stories pt.14 by Sh Tariq Appleby

You might be a place where people are openly sinning.

You might say "Why should I warn them of Allah's wrath, and the torment of hellfire?".

Well, one reason is that they might stop sinning for fear of Allah.
And our dakwah worked.

 Those who forbid evil and cherish good do not deserve punishment.

Those who do not speak out of sinners are not considered sinners themselves as long as you personally condone it is fine.
But if you speak out about it, you will be passed by Allah.

Quranic stories pt.13 by Sh Tariq Appleby

 If you say “I am going to do this tomorrow” you should say “Inshallah”.

Also, make an oath you can keep.

If you have a chance to good, then do it.

Continuing the story of the garden:

The brothers came up with the idea that they would keep the contents of the garden to themselves and not share it with anyone.

The sons cut the date trees at night to deprive the poor of dates in the morning. 

Then their garden got robbed who were sent by Allah to punish them.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Quranic stories pt.12 by Sh Tariq Appleby

 Indeed, We have tried them as We tried the companions of the garden when they swore to cut its fruit in the [early] morning.

Without making exception

So there came upon it [i.e., the garden] an affliction from your Lord while they were asleep.

And it became as though reaped

And they called one another in the morning,

[Saying], "Go early to your crop if you would cut the fruit."

So they set out, while lowering their voices,

[Saying], "There will surely not enter it today upon you [any] poor person."

And they went early in determination, [assuming themselves] able.

But when they saw it, they said, "Indeed, we are lost;

They said, "O woe to us; indeed we were transgressors.

Such is the punishment [of this world]. And the punishment of the Hereafter is greater, if they only knew.

Now once the father died, he would often feed the poor for free and they would come to his houses for food. and he passed he left behind three sons, and those sons did not follow in their father's footsteps of giving to the poor.

And the sons would take all the fruit from the plentiful garden, and not give it to the poor.

All things have consequences in this life or the next.

They made a conscious effort to not share the fruits with the poor.

Then Allah sent destruction on their garden, and when the sons saw their garden in ruins, they said