New Zealand is often forgotten on maps, even their own government 404 page shows a world map with New Zealand missing.
Located 1200 miles or 2000km away from Australia and 600 miles or 1000km away from New Caledonia, Tonga and Fiji, New Caledonia is French, meaning that France is their nearest neighbour.
The country is made up of two main islands, the main island is the North Island or Te-Ika A-Maui, which holds around 3/4ths of the population and has a land mass of about 42% of both islands, and the bigger but less populated island is the South Island or Te Waipou-Namu with around 56% of the landmass.
The last 2% of New Zealand is made out of 33 smaller islands off the coasts, the largest of them being Stewart Island, south ofthe South Island,
then the northern Kermadec Islands, and then on the east side the Chatham Islands.
New Zealand is a unitary state divided into 16 councils, with 11 regional councils and 5 unitary councils, while theChathamm Islands act independently as a separate territory authority.
The second largest city Wellington, holds the title of the most southern city in the world, but Auckland, which is in the north, is the capital city, with around 1/3rd of the population, and it has the largest and busiest airport, Auckland International.
The 3d largest city is Christchurch, which is on the South Island, and it has the second busiest airport, Christchurch International.
New Zealand has more land than just these, as they also have 3 New Zealand Island territories, and free-associated Island nations, with them being Tokelau, the Cook Islands and Niue.
Tokelau considers itself as a Non-self Governing Independent territory, and they have a territory dispute against American Samoa on Swains Island.
Both Niue and the Cook Islands are self-governing states in free association with New Zealand.
Along with the fact that Tokalau has 2500+ people on less than 5 square miles of land over 3 islands, they did become the first fully solar-powered country in the world, but not a 'sovereign' nation-state, but they kinda count.
Then there is the Ross Dependency, which is New Zealand's claim for Antarctica since they are the closest, but they cannot claim part of Antarctica because of the Antarctic Treat, which states that no nation can claim land on Antarctica.
But the strange part comes when we want to place New Zealand in a continent, most say it is part of the region of Oceania, which is Australia and everything else in Melanesia, Polynesia and Micronesia.
We tried to group New Zealand and Australia in one region named Australasia but it doesn't share a continent with Australia.
So we made a sub-continent called Zealandia, the name comes from a man named Bruce Lyuendyk, who said it is more a Micro continent or a Continental fragment.
Places to visit include:
The world's steepest street at an incline of 38°, the Auckland Museum, the Auckland Sky Tower you can jump over via bungee jumping, the Maori village in Rotorua, the International Antarctic Center, Hobbiton (the film location of The Hobbit), Marlborough wine fields, the 90-mile beach (actually it is 56 miles or 90km), Waitomo caves with glow worms, frying pan lake the largest boiling lake in the world, the Maraki sphereical boulders.
The scenery here makes this a very good place for filming movies, movies like: Mission Impossible Fallout, Lord of the Rings, and Narnia.
New Zealand is in the Ring of Fire on the convergence of the Pacific and Australian plates, in the south, the tallest pea, Mount Cook or Aoraki, at 12,000 feet or 3,700 meters.
The Kaweka mountain range can be found in the north, since it is in the ring of fire, it is affected by earthquakes and volcanic activity, with 83 known volcanoes on the island, with the largest one, Ruapehu, on the North Island.
On South Island, there is a bank peninsula, and the nearly perfect circle on Mount Taranaki, along with Mount Taranaki Lake Taupo in the Taupo Calder, which is one of the largest supervolcanoes on earth, then following the lake is the longest river in the country, the Waikato.
Since the country is shaped weirdly, no place in the country is more than 80 miles or 128km from the ocean, in the southern parts of the country, which hold the majority of the population, live, and iare wheremost of the crops and livestock of the country are.
But one of the most interesting parts of New Zealand is the Fiordlands near the Tasman Sea, and Milford Sound is the most popular due to it being able to be accessed via roads.
Due to their location, New Zealand's land is very diverse, along with being volcanic, so they have geothermal geysers, and being near the south means they have glaciers, alpine forests, and even a small desert in the middle of the North Island.
There is a special type of beach containing magnetite named Magnetic Sand Beaches, in which the sand is magnetic.
Other than 2 species of bats, there were no other mammals or warm-blooded creatures before humans stepped foot on the island.
With over 200 species of birds, over half of them are naturally found in New Zealand, strangely, most of the birds here are flightless, like the kiwi and the Kapako, which is Earth's only nocturnal parrot. And since they live near the South Pole, they have more species of penguins than anywhere else on earth.
A long time ago, the bird known as the Moa, which inhabited New Zealand, was 12 feet tall and was hunted to extinction by the Maori.
Their national animal, the flightless Kiwi bird, comes in 5 forms on both islands, having the very well-known kiwi shape and also their long beaks, which have nostrils, making them one of the few bird species that can smell.
They also have the Kea which is the world's only alpine parrot, they often like interacting with humans and like to chew on soft objects like rubber, along with bird they also have reptiles, one of which is the Tuatara, which has a 3rd perennial eye on the top of its head, and from the insects is the Giant Weta, which is the heaviest insect on earth.
Jade or Greenstone, which is mined and sold here, is often depicted in paintings and Maori tools and jewellery. The majority of the income comes from the tourism sector, normally on New Zealand's South Islan, which has many activities to d su,ch as skydiving, paragliding and zzorbinging which is people in large balls.
Since they live very near the sea, they have lots of seafood, species like Hoki, Hake, Paua, Hapaku, Gurnard, and Crayfish are some of the seafood eaten here.
Other than the seafood, they have other stuff like roast lamb, savoury meat pies, hokey pokey icecream, Kiwi burger made with egg and beetroot, manuka honey kumara a Polynesian sweet potato, pavlova, and Hangi which is co d underground oven cooked meal in Rotorua they use the geothermal heat to cook it.
They are the people of New Zealand, known as...Kiwis, with 5.2 million living in New Zealand, are in the top 3 of the ease of business index countries with the least corruption, with around 74% of the population being of European descent with British, Scottish and Irish ancestry.
Around 15% are native Maori people, 7% are Pacific islanders, and the rest are mainly from other countries like Japan, China, Korea and others.
Their currency is the New Zealand Dollar, they use the type I plug outlet, and they drive on the left side of the road.
Their national language is English, and they have a "Kiwi dialect", which sounds very similar to Australian but isn't.
There are two other languages, such as Maori and the NZ sign language, which is the New Zealand Sign language.
The Maori come from 100+ tribes or Iwi, which are scattered around the country, on both sides of New Zealand, the largest tribe being the Nga Puhi in the north with over 100,000+ people belonging to this tribe, most schools teach Maori in elementary and there are Maori immersion schools to teach students about Maori culture,
they also have couple radio station and television channels that speak only in Maori, most of the Maori speakers are from the Northland is Gisborne regions, along with the Maori is the Haka war dance, which is known to look very aggressive with lots of loud chanting and being intimidating. This dance is usually performed at ceremonies like weddings, birthday parties, and sporting events.
They have their own types of tattoos known as Kiri-turi, which are the arm and body tattoos, and then Ta-Moko, which are the face tattoos, since the old Maori did not have a type of script, they relied on types of tattoos and wood carvings to tell stories.
For men, the back tattoos often depict their family, where the left side of the body is meant for the father's side, while the right is for the mother's, usually these tattoos tell stories of their accomplishments and achievements, from feats of athleticism or expertise.
Kiwi's (the people) are very athletic, known for their Rugby, and are 3-time world champion winners, and if they don't win, they often place top 3.
For the brief history of New Zealand:
Before the 1200s the country was a bird island, then around 1280-1300 the Maori come in to the island, then the Maori Pa settlements on the island, maybe around the 1500s is when the largest big the Moa was hunted to extinction, tribal battles to acquire more land, then the Abel tasmen journey a.k.a the first European contact, then the British come in around 1700, then more tribal wars but with guns this time, missionaries, then they become a British colony, then the New Zealand wars, then the Treaty of Waitangi, self-governable under the British, they were the first country to allow women to vote, immigration, then in WW1 they played a role in Samoa, then after during WW2 helped Papa New Guina with the Japanese, the Statue of Westmister Adoption (their independence day), Maldoon getting drunk and losing an election, 1980s Rogernomics, the they do very well economically in the 2000s, Christchurch earthquake in 2011.
Now some famous people from New Zealand or of New Zealand descent are:
Hone Hika (Maori Leader),
Hone Heke (another Maori leader),
(Princess) Te Puea Herangi, Maui Pomare, Patato Te Wherowhero,
Ernest Rutherford ("Father of Nuclear Physics),
Kate Sheppard,
Sir Apirana Ngata,
Sir Edmund Hillery (One of the first people to reach the summit of Mount Everest),
Sir Peter Jackson,
Jaccinda Ardern (the youngest head of government in the world),
Russle Crowe (actor),
Jonah Lomu (rugby player),
Collin Meads (another rugby player),
Dame Whina Cooper (Maoro activist),
Flight of the Concords (a comedy musical group),
Bruse McLaren (racer),
Kathrine Mansfield (writer),
Lorde (Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor, song writer/singer),
and YouTube channel and meme page Dolan dark.
Since they get along with everyone, and are a part of APEC and the Colomo plan and others, they have close ties to Chile, South Africa, Argentina, Uruguay, since they are under the CCAMLR or The Conservation of Antarctic Marine living Resources.
They monitor Antarctica and the south seas, their relations to China are a bit weird as the Chinese have been living in New Zealand since the 19th century, then in 2008, they set up a free trade agreement.
But the thing is that the Chinese have bought out many houses in New Zealand to the point that there are practically no homes for their own kiwis.
Since they are a former British colony, they have close ties with the British, the USA, Canada, and Australia, which are very close to them, they helped the USA for practically every global event since the 20th century, and are extremely close to Canada And Australia because they were both commonwealth nations.
But Australia being their greatest ally, since they have very good trade between the two nations and are close via their culture and history, they also allow both citizens from both countries to be able to migrate and have automatic residency.