Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The Prophets Legacy by Sheikh Tariq Appleby No 6

Today I learned about The Prophets Legacy:

"A woman was punished because of a cat which she kept locked up until it died, and she entered Hell because of it. This is because she did no feed it or give it water when she kept it locked up, neither did she let it eat from the vermin of the earth."

This means being kind and being good to animals, people who mistreat animals have sinned, if you have a pet, take care of it, don't hunt animals to target practice, only for food, all life matters, only if it is dangerous, then you can kill it. 

"Whoever gives iftar to one who is fasting will have a reward like his, without that detracting from the reward of the fasting person in the slightest."

If you fast, and someone invites you to help you breakfast, then the person gives the food, he will get pahalah, but the person who is fasting the reward will no be taken away.

"There are no days in which righteous deed are more beloved to Allah than these days, i.e, the ten days of [of Dhul-Hijjah]." The people asked: "O Messenger of Allah, not even Jihad for the sake of Allah?" He said: "Not even jihad for the sake of Allah, except in the case of a man who when out to fight giving himself and his wealth up for the cause, and came back with nothing."

The reward of us dying in war is a great reward.

"Whoever performs Haji and does not commit any obscenity or commit any evil will go back (free of sin) as on the day his mother bore him."

When you go on Haji, the reward is all ALL of your sin taken away from you, like the day you have been given birth as a baby (when you were a baby you had no sins).

"There is no day on which Allah ransoms more of His slaves from the Fire than the day of 'Arafah."

This is for the Haij, we are here at the Haij is to pray to Allah.

"There are two eyes that will not be touched by the Fire: the eye that weeps with fear of Allah and the eye that spends the night keeping guard (in  jihad) for the sake of Allah."

Keeping guard is tiring, but the guard will get a big reward.

"Whoever goes to a fortune-teller and asks him about something, his prayer will not be accepted for forty days."

A Muslim goes to a fortune-teller and asked will I get married today, then his prayer will be not accepted for forty days, but you still have to pray, but he believes him then he believed what he learned from the prophet Muhammad, no one knows the future, only Allah.

"Faith has seventy-odd branches, and modesty (al-haya;) is a branch of faith."

Imam has seventy-odd branches, there is not just one imam.

"There is no person who says, in the morning and evening of every day: 'In the Name of Allah with whose name nothing is harmed on death or in heave, and He is the Allah-Hearing, Allah knowing,' three times, and is then harmed by anything."

It means We take refuge by Allah, and He is the only one who can keep you safe from harm (but that does not mean to keep your door open at night and day).

"Fear the supplication of the one who has been wronged, for there is no barrier between it and Allah."

If you owe someone money and you don't give them then that is oppression, you should no be mistreated by anyone, speak up, never the oppressor, if you are in oppression, then your dua will be directed to Allah directed.



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