Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Prophets Legacy by Sheikh Tariq Appleby 13

 Today I learned about The Prophets legacy.

"Pray as you have seen me praying."

The oldest person will lead the prayer, the eldest among you will be the leader of the prayer.

"Do not pray against your children, do not pray against your servants, do pray aginst your wealth, lest that coincides with a time of response when Allah grants the wishes of those who offer supplication, so He answers your prayer."

Don't pray "May Allah Curse you," no you should say "May Allah guide you," Anger and frustration make you dua bad thing, Muslims can control your anger, Muslims can contain your anger if a parent asks for "may my son/daughter be punished," and then he breaks his leg.

"All the sons of Adam and the best of those who are those who repent."

Everyone makes sins, therefore we ought to repent, or ask for forgiveness, the sons of Adam are Us, human beings, the best of us know that we did a sin, and we know about the sin, so we repent.

"Trading insults with a Muslim is evildoing and fight him is kufr."

Don't call people names, people who were bullied when young, lack courage, do everything with the right intention, don't fight other Muslims, but if you are sparing then that is fine.

"I have not left behind after I am gone any fitnah (test) more harmful to men than women."

Our items can be a distraction, but if it makes you miss solat then that is serious.

"Whoever would like to have his provision increased and his lifespan extended (and to be remembered after he dies), let him uphold his ties of kinship."

Family ties, your connection to your family, nowadays it is easy to uphold family ties, holding family ties in Islam is good.

"Allah has forbidden to you disobedience towards your mothers."

Don't be disobedient to your mother, when you be disobedient to your mother it can harm her emotionally or physically.

"The pleasure of the Lord is in the pleasure of the father and the and of the Lord is in the wrath of the father."

If your father wants beer from a shop, you can't do that, because beer is haram.

"Whoever can guarantee to me what is between his jaws and that is between his legs, I will guarantee Paradise of him."

If you can guarantee everything you say (swear words), and if you can avoid Zina, then Allah can make you in Paradise.

"If there are three, two should not converse privately to the exclusion of the third."

It is ok if the third person allowed it then that is ok.

"The one who is riding should greet the one who is walking, the one who is along should greet the one who is sitting the small group should greet the larger group, and the younger should greet the older."

If you are in a car then the person is riding a bicycle, then great the person on the bicycle, or greeting the older person.

"Du'a' (supplication) is worship."

It is making Allah and supplication to Allah, seeking Allah, only he is the one who can answer your dua.

"I saw a man who was enjoying the blessings of Paradise because of a tree that he cut from the road that used to annoy the Muslims."

He got rid of a tree that was on the road and he moved it, if you can remove something harmful in someone's life, then Jannah is granted to the person who did the deed.

"Seeking knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim."

You need to seek Knowledge as a Muslim.

"My delight has been made in prayer."

The prophet was happy when he was praying, understanding the Solat is a good feeling (learning Arabic).

"Prompt your dying ones to say La ilaha illallah."

Like someone who is on their deathbed, when you are going to die,  say: the La ilaha illallah, before you die.

"No one among you should eat with his left hand or drink with it, for the Shaitan eats with his left hand and drinks with it."

It is not allowed to eat and drink with your left hand, try not to follow Shaitan, everything Shaitan does we must not follow him." 

"For every disease, there is a remedy."

Everything disease has a remedy, do even the worse ones, has a cure.

"Allah raises some in status by means of this book and He lowers others by means of it."

Those who gain successes, and those who have humiliation and defeat and loss, those who learn the Qur'an will have successes, and those who rejected then they will be defeated.

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