Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Prophets Legacy by Sheikh Tariq Appleby No. 11

Today I learned about The Prophets Legacy (I think that Wodoo is wukuk).

"Whoever does wudoo', and does it well, his sins come out of his body, even from beneath his nails."

One of the ways to know how to do wudoo is to do it like the prophet did, do it for the sake of Allah, not because someone is nagging you to do it, do it sincerely, then your sins will leave you. 

"Were it not that it would be too difficult for mu Ummah, I would have instructed to do Wudoo' for every prayer and to use the  siwak when to doing wudoo."

Try to use it before your siwak (a toothbrush), before a prayer, but it is not compulsory, to use it.

"Supplication (du'a a') is not rejected between the adhan and iqamah."

Try to utilize the times between the prayers (Zohor and Asr)  to practice Qur'an.

"There is no one among you who does wudoo', and does it well, then says: 'I bear witness that there is no god except Allah alone, with no partner or associate, and bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger,' but the eight gates of Paradise will be opened to him to enter through whichever one he wishes."

You have the ability to chose the eight gates of Jannah if you take wudoo properly.

"The key of Paradise is prayer."

So you must. MUST pray to go to Jannah, don't abandon the Solat, if you sleep through the solat, or forget the solat if you are busy, or if in war you still have to pray, it is ok, to miss solat, if it is accidental.

"Whoever builds a mosque for the sake of Allah, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise."

Even if you donate money to build a Masjid, you are still entitled to this Hadith, or you pay for it entirely, or a construction man too, if you build a masjid, then people will pray there, learn Qur'an there.

"Whoever turns away from my Summah is not of me."

Three-man said "I will not break my fast", "I will not marry", and the last one said "I will pray but not sleep", The prophet said "I did all these things, if you don't follow the sunnah then you are not one of us, you can't "I want to worship Allah this way," you can't do it."

"Islam is built upon five [pillars]: the testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; establishing regular prayer (salah); paying the Zukah, Haij (pilgrimage) and fasting Ramadhan."

These five pillars are the foundation of Islam.

"A person's feet will not remove on the Day of Resurrection until he is asked about four things: about his life and how he spends it, about his body and how he used it, acquired his wealth from where he acquired it and on what he spend it, and about his knowledge and what he did with it."

We have these Questions that Allah will ask us, so we must think about how we are living our lives now, remember who will be questioning you.

"The first thing for which a person will be brought to account on the Day of Ressurection is the prayer if it is good; then he has succeeded and prospered but if it is lacking then he has lost and failed."

If this is for a person who did not pray much, how about the person who did not pray at all?.

"If the son of Adam had two  valleys filled with wealth he would seek a third, but nothing will fill the belly of the son of Adam but dust."

People want money, but money can make you not follow the right path if you earn it from a Halal source (A halal bakery), it is ok, but if it is Haram sources, (selling wine) is not good, the best feeling is being content it is looking at people less than you, people look at people who have more things than you, and you compare yourself to them, then that is a bad thing to have, try to be content. 

"What do you think: if there was a river by the door of one of you and he bathed in it five times a day, would any speck of dirt be left on him?" They said: "Not a speck of dirt would be left on him." He said: "That is the likeness of the five prays, by means of which Allah erases sins."

That is comparable to the one who prays five times a day, he cleans himself while praying because Allah wipes away his sins.

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