Thursday, February 22, 2024

History pt 1: History and Prehistory

 Human beings have been on Earth for roughly 200,000 years, the earth itself was around four billion years ago.

That's a long time ago, the hardships, the experiences, the founding of villages, the stories from all those years ago, the wars, the draughts.

Something about history is that it may not be 100% accurate, as it can be "edited", by people who were living at that time, some might embellish and flourish the stories to make them sound more exciting or different, and even writing can also be tampered with, and even messages that are verbally said could change from time to time. 

The study of past and present humans is called anthropology, the study of humans would be archaeology, while the study of bones or dinosaur bones would be palaeontology.

Using Radiocarbon dating, you can check what time a human skull was set into the earth for an accuracy of about a decade, which is pretty accurate for a skull that was set into the earth 10,000 years ago.

History refers to history that was during the written age of humans, while prehistory refers to the history before writing was invented, archeologists have found written text from Egypt as old as 3200 BCE, which is what is the agreed upon time that "history" starts.

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