Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Malay: pt 4 What, Why, Where, When, How and Who

 As you would know these are very important words in English, and also in Malay too, so here's how you pronounce them.

"Apa" (pronounced: Aa peh) meaning "what", would commonly used in a sentence like "apa ini" meaning "what this" (ini meaning "this).

"Mana" (pronounced: maa-na) is Where, if used in a sentence it would be "Mana Saya (pronounced: sci ah)  maa-ian" (maa-in nan meaning toy).

"Bila" (pronounced: bee la) meaning "when", if used in a sentence would be "bila perkahwinan) or "when is the wedding" (this was explained the the last blog post)

"Mengapa" (pronounced: men ga pa) means "why" so in a sentence it would be used as: "Mengapa maa-in" or "why play" (maa-in meaning play).

"Baigamana" (pronounced: ba guy maa an) means means "why", if used in a sentence you can say: "Baigamana makan sekarang"  (makan pronounced: maa kaan, and sekarang (pronounced: se-a ka raang meaning "now").

Also you can them in sentences for example: "Apa tu" apa tu meaning "whats that" (pronuced as: aa peh, to).

"Mana awak  pergi" meaning "where did you go (pronounced: Aa pah, ma-na, per gee).

"Pukul apa" means "what time" (pronounced: pu kool, aa peh).

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