Friday, February 16, 2024

Malay: pt 1 Good mornings

 Malay is a wonderful and easy-to-understand language, so ill be explaining the language and how to use the words in this series of blog posts.
(all the words that have aa ee oo, or double words, elongate those words)

Selamat  (pronounced "Sla ma -at") means "good", so "saya selamat" means "I am good", and "selamat pagi"  would be considered as "good morning" (pagi means morning).

"Selamat malam"  (pronounced "Sla ma -at, maa-lam") would be "good night", and it is usually used as a way of saying goodbye, as "goodnight" is commonly done when leaving a house that's hosting you as their guest,

"Selamat Tengah hari"  (Pronounced: "Slaa ma-at, Tee-nah gah haa ri") means "good afternoon" and it's used as a form of greeting when meeting people.
when pronouncing words with the letter "T" you don't have to put emphasis on that letter for example, the letter: "Three" would be produced as tri (not a tri-like triangle, but quickly without emphasis).

"Selamat Petang" (pronounced: "Slaa maat, pea taa-ng"), means "good evening" and can be used as a greeting.

"Selamat Datang" (pronounced: "Slaa maat, daa-taang"),

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