Monday, November 7, 2022

Minhaj al Muslim By Sh Tariq Appleby pt: 3

The inheritors must be alive on the day of the death of the person who is leaving the inheritance. So if one of a woman's children dies and she has an unborn child in her womb, this unborn child has the right to inherit from its brother (who dies) if it is born alive. This is due to the fact that it was certainly alive( in the womb)  on the day of its brothers' death. If the woman conceived the baby after the death of its brother, the baby has no right to inherit from his brother who died, because he was not created(conceived) until after ( the brother's death)

The Felmale Inheritors:

1. The wife.
2. The female manumitter (who frees a slave).
3. The relatives: and they are of three categories. The parental woman: they are the mother and the grandmother on either the mother's or the father's side. The offspring and are the daughters, the son's daughter (granddaughter), and any descending female grandchildren (i.e, through the male),. The kin: and this is the and this is the female relative, who is only the sister.

Note: The maternal and perinatal aunts, the daughter's daughter (granddaughter)(, the daughter's son (grandson), the brother's daughter (niece), and the uncle's daughter (cousin) do not inherit at all.

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