Colours, ah yes the world would be bland without colour.
Warna (pronounced: War-neh) meaning "Colour"
Warna-warni (pronounced: War-neh, war-nee) means "Colourful"
Perlangi (pronounced: Per-lang-gee) means "Rainbow"
Biru (pronounced: Bee-ru) means "Blue", so rasi biru, would translate to: "Blue rice".
Merah (pronounced: Meh-rah) means "Red", so saya suka saya merah bola, would translate to "I like my red ball", bola and suka (pronounced: bo-lah, and suu-ka).
Kuning (pronounced: kuu-ning) means "Yellow".
Hijau (pronounced: Hee-jaau) means "Green"
Putih (pronounced: Pu-teh) means "White"
Hitam (pronounced: Hee-taam) means "Black"
Kelabu (pronounced: Ke-lah-boo) means "Grey"
Perang (pronounced: Pe-ra-ng) means "Brown"
Merah jambu (pronounced: Meh-rah, jaam-bu) means "Pink"
Oren (pronounced: O-ren) means "Orange"
Ungu (pronounced: Ung-gu) means "Purple"
Biru nila (pronounced: Bee-ru, nee-la) means "Indigo"
Gelap (pronounced: ge-lap) means "Dark"
Terang (pronounced: The-raang) meaning "Light".
Most of the time Gelap and Terang are used to describe the environment.
So, Bilik Terang (pronounced: Bee-lick) means "Bright room", usually from lamps and ceiling lights.
But it can also be used for lighter and darker colours like Boleh bagi warna Biru Gelap, which means "Can you give a darker blue".
If you want it darker you can say: ade lagi gelap?, meaning "Is there there a darker colour?"
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