Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Quranic stories pt.8 by Sh Tariq Appleby

 But the one who had knowledge of the Scrptute said” I can bring it to you in the blink of an eye, “So when Solaiman saw it place before him, he exclaimed, “This is by the grace of my Lord to test me whether I am grateful or ungrateful. And whoever is grateful. It is only for the good.  But whoever is ungrated surely my Lord is Self-Sufficent, Most generous.

Then Sulaiman said’, “Disguise her throne for he so we may see whether she will recognise ‘it’ or she will be able to.

 When she arrived, it was said to ‘her’, “Is your throne like this?” She replied, “It looks to be the same. We have ‘already’ received knowledge of Sulaiman’s Prophethood’ before this miracle and have summited to Allah.

But she had been hindered by what she used to worship instead of Allah, for he was indeed from a disbelieving people.

Then she was told, “Enter the palace. “ But when she saw the hall, she thought it was a body of water so she bared her legs. Sulaiman aid. “It is just a place paved with crystal. “At last she declared. “My lord I haven certain wrong my soul. Now I ‘fully’ submit myself along with Sulaiman to Allah, the lord of all worlds.

This is why the Queen believed that Sulaiman was a Prophet, becausee  material wealth can be a form of Dakwah.

Another story is that.

The people of Sheba had

Allah has previously blessed the people of Sheba by placing apparent, interconnected villages between them and the Belssees sites of Sham.  He made travelling between these villages easy and free trave. He told them to travel between their land and Sham for days and nights without fear. However, they asked Allah to make their journeys far away. They wrong themselves by being ungrateful for Allah’s blessings. As a result, Allah has made them subject of thanks and source

But they turned away [refusing], so We sent upon them the flood of the dam, and We replaced their two [fields of] gardens with gardens of bitter fruit, tamarisks and something of sparse lote trees.

We also had a place between them the cities.  We showed with blessings ‘many small towns without a sigh of one another. And we set moderate travel distances in between, ‘using’ “Travel between them by day and night safely.

 They were blessed with safe travel between cities and many villages to restock resupply and rest.
Then they prayed that they have fewer stops, and longer travel times between them. So Allah put fewer houses and villages

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