Saturday, March 30, 2024

Quranic stories pt.11 by Sh Tariq Appleby

 Whoever says that Allah has a child or son, then he has slandered Allah.

Whoever abandons something for the sake of Allah, Allah will not desert them.

During the people of the cave, the people in the cave were sleeping, but they were moving, and Allah gave them enough sunlight to survive. And Allah made them move, and one reason might be that if you lie down too long, you get bedsores, and those bedsores hurt, so Allah moved them around.
Also, the dog that he youngsters (the people of the cave) were outside stretching and sleeping outside.

They also were moving so that the earth would not swallow them. And the Quran says: "And you would have thought they were awake, though they were asleep."

As an addon, since they were moving, if an animal were to come across them, they would not want to bother them, since they looked like they were awake.

When they woke up, they felt like they believed they only slept for a day, or a couple hours.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Malay: pt 9 Colours

 Colours, ah yes the world would be bland without colour.

Warna (pronounced: War-neh) meaning "Colour"

Warna-warni (pronounced: War-neh, war-nee) means "Colourful"

Perlangi (pronounced: Per-lang-gee) means "Rainbow"

Biru (pronounced: Bee-ru) means "Blue", so rasi biru, would translate to: "Blue rice".

Merah (pronounced: Meh-rah) means "Red", so saya suka saya merah bola, would translate to "I like my red ball", bola and suka (pronounced: bo-lah, and suu-ka).

Kuning (pronounced: kuu-ning) means "Yellow". 

Hijau (pronounced: Hee-jaau) means "Green"

Putih (pronounced: Pu-teh) means "White"

Hitam (pronounced: Hee-taam) means "Black"

Kelabu (pronounced: Ke-lah-boo) means "Grey"

Perang (pronounced: Pe-ra-ng) means "Brown"

Merah jambu (pronounced: Meh-rah, jaam-bu) means "Pink"

Oren (pronounced: O-ren) means "Orange"

Ungu (pronounced: Ung-gu) means "Purple"

Biru nila (pronounced: Bee-ru, nee-la) means "Indigo"

Gelap (pronounced: ge-lap) means "Dark"

Terang (pronounced: The-raang) meaning "Light".

Most of the time Gelap and Terang are used to describe the environment.
So, Bilik Terang (pronounced: Bee-lick) means "Bright room", usually from lamps and ceiling lights.
But it can also be used for lighter and darker colours like Boleh bagi warna Biru Gelap, which means "Can you give a darker blue".

If you want it darker you can say: ade lagi gelap?, meaning "Is there there a darker colour?" 

Quranic stories pt.10 by Sh Tariq Appleby

 The people of the cave:

The people of the cave are people who accepted Islam, but in doing so they had to leave the village that they hold dear.

And prayed to Allah for protection, also something of note, is that they worked to find hide, instead of praying "Please give us a place to hide". And stayed unhidden.

Once the people of their village found out that they converted to Islam, they got chased out of the city, and then they ran into a cave and tried to hide from the townspeople, the dog was left at the entrance to the cave. Allah told a spider to put a web at the entrance of the cave to hide from the villages.

The townspeople saw the spider web at the cave entrance and the dog and thought "They are not in this cave, as they would have had to break the web, and there is a dog there. We should not venture any further". And Allah made them sleep for hundreds of years. 
Allah put them to sleep and "resurrected" them after they fell asleep. As when you have

This verse is important, as it underlines the leaving for the sake of religion, and leaving their life behind.

Chemistry pt. 5: The Bohr model

Atoms, it is nearly impossible as you cannot see atoms due to your naked eye, so we use models to visualize these small atoms.

These models can be used to predict and explain the behaviour of atoms.
All models are simplified to a degree, either for simplicity, visibility or usability, if we were to make it more accurate it would be the real thing.

What is a circle with rings around it, those rings are commonly named "shells", they are for the electron atoms which are dots on the shellsand depending on how far the dots are from the centre circle, it means that the electron atom is different.
Something to keep in mind is that the first shells can only support 2 electron dots, and the others can only hold 2 as well.
It uses an N system as the first shell has a value of 1N, while the second has 2N, and then the third has 3N.

1N has 2 Electrons, 2N as 8. Do keep in mind that these are not the actual positions of electrons.

Some elections can only exist on certain energy levels, we use a system named EV or an energy level diagram, the diagram can show us what energy the election is at without needing to draw dots on the Bohr model. 
Let's say our imaginary atom has levels of 0ev, 4ev, 6ev and 7ev.
So in this situation, the election can only exist on the shell that has, 0ev, 4ev, 6ev and 7ev, and cannot exist in between energy levels as it cannot exist on say 4.7ev. And cannot exist on any other shell.

Let's say the atom starts at 0ev, or "The ground state".
How does an election go from the ground state to an even level?. First, a photon with 4ev must strike the election, and then the election will absorb the photon, thus causing the election to be removed from the ground state and instead on the EV level of 4ev.

Valence electrons are electrons that are highly important as it is the outermost shells of the atom, and an atom's outer shell is the most important in chemistry.
A full Valence shell has 8 electrons or 4 pairs.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Physics pt. 8: Electromagnets

One type of magnet is an Electromagnet, which is a magnet that only becomes magnetic when it is charged with electricity. They usee

Electromagnets are magnetic materials that become magnetic when an electrical current flows through them.

electrically charged particles in motion actually have small electrical currents in them. So if we run an electrical current through a wire, a magnetic field will created around the wire.

Now the strength of the magnetic field can be affected by multiple factors, can one, send more electricity through that wire, you can increase the density of the electrical particles, and you can do this by looping the wire into a coil, 
if you were to take the electrical wire and reverse the direction, the electromagnet would also change in direction.

The drastic difference between an electromagnet and a permanent magnet is that an electromagnetic is usually made out of an electrical wire and a coil.

Another difference is that you can change the North and South poles of a magnet, pick up a pile of metal scraps with the North side of the magnet, and then flip the electrical current to put the magnet on the South side and drop the scraps into a bin.

Another difference is that not only the poles can change to help attract and repel, but they can also change in strength, as you need much more magnetic pull to lift a metal crate, but much less to pick up a truck.

Most electromagnetics work with copper, cobalt or other minerals in a coil, and the more wires that coil has, the more powerful it is, so it increases charge density.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Quranic stories pt.9 by Sh Tariq Appleby

  The Story of Uzayr:

Or [consider such an example] as the one who passed by a township which had fallen into ruin. He said, "How will Allah bring this to life after its death?" So Allah caused him to die for a hundred years; then He revived him. He said, "How long have you remained?" He [the man] said, "I have remained a day or part of a day." He said, "Rather, you have remained one hundred years. Look at your food and your drink; it has not changed with time. And look at your donkey, and We will make you a sign for the people. And look at the bones [of this donkey] - how We raise them and then We cover them with flesh." And when it became clear to him, he said, "I know that Allah is over all things competent."

A man did not believe that Allah could bring people back from the dead, so Allah killed him, and 100 years later he was resurrected and Allah asked him “How long do you think you slept”, The Man said “Maybe an Hour”, Allah responded with “You have been dead for 100 years, look at your donkey which is now a pile of bones. And your food has not spoiled”.

  • There are two options, Jerusalem when Bbukhtanssar was destroyed. And as stated by Walb, Qtadah, and Rabee’ah ibn Anas. The second option is that it is the village of which thousands went out fearing death. This was mentioned by Ibn Zaid, who mentions there of objects passed by it:

  • It is permissible to example the slave of this knowledge, for Allah, may He be glorified, says. “How long did you stay”.

  • It is permissible to inform a person of what is beyond his estimation, as Allah says “ The man said, ‘I have remained a day or part of a day, ‘ although he had stated for a hundred years.”

It is appropriate to contemplate what Allah has created and innovated in the universe because that increases faith as this is a sign among the signs of Allah as in His saying, “So observe”

The Quran must be said and written as it was written by Allah.

One should not concern themselves with the specific individuals in the story, if it was significant then Allah would have said so.

The term village can refer to dwellings or could be a community which has fallen into ruins upon its roofs. The abandonment of the village indicates  their destruction.

When a person excused but does not doubt Allah’s ability of it, but do you disbelieve it? THis is exemplified by the man who passed by the village and questioned, “How will Allah bring this back after its death?

  • Allah may favor his servant by showing theme signs that increase their certainly, as Allah says. “So obbseve your  food”.

  • The power of Allah exceeds the natural course of events as evidence by the fact that this food and drink remained unchanged for 100 years.

If you are reading the Quran and you are understanding the meaning behind the words.

Allah provides experiences for His servants to server as lessons for others, As Allah says, “And We will make you sign for the people”.

Allah made flesh cling closely to bones, this arrangement protects them bones from breaking and harm, as bone damage is more severe than flesh.

Quranic stories pt.8 by Sh Tariq Appleby

 But the one who had knowledge of the Scrptute said” I can bring it to you in the blink of an eye, “So when Solaiman saw it place before him, he exclaimed, “This is by the grace of my Lord to test me whether I am grateful or ungrateful. And whoever is grateful. It is only for the good.  But whoever is ungrated surely my Lord is Self-Sufficent, Most generous.

Then Sulaiman said’, “Disguise her throne for he so we may see whether she will recognise ‘it’ or she will be able to.

 When she arrived, it was said to ‘her’, “Is your throne like this?” She replied, “It looks to be the same. We have ‘already’ received knowledge of Sulaiman’s Prophethood’ before this miracle and have summited to Allah.

But she had been hindered by what she used to worship instead of Allah, for he was indeed from a disbelieving people.

Then she was told, “Enter the palace. “ But when she saw the hall, she thought it was a body of water so she bared her legs. Sulaiman aid. “It is just a place paved with crystal. “At last she declared. “My lord I haven certain wrong my soul. Now I ‘fully’ submit myself along with Sulaiman to Allah, the lord of all worlds.

This is why the Queen believed that Sulaiman was a Prophet, becausee  material wealth can be a form of Dakwah.

Another story is that.

The people of Sheba had

Allah has previously blessed the people of Sheba by placing apparent, interconnected villages between them and the Belssees sites of Sham.  He made travelling between these villages easy and free trave. He told them to travel between their land and Sham for days and nights without fear. However, they asked Allah to make their journeys far away. They wrong themselves by being ungrateful for Allah’s blessings. As a result, Allah has made them subject of thanks and source

But they turned away [refusing], so We sent upon them the flood of the dam, and We replaced their two [fields of] gardens with gardens of bitter fruit, tamarisks and something of sparse lote trees.

We also had a place between them the cities.  We showed with blessings ‘many small towns without a sigh of one another. And we set moderate travel distances in between, ‘using’ “Travel between them by day and night safely.

 They were blessed with safe travel between cities and many villages to restock resupply and rest.
Then they prayed that they have fewer stops, and longer travel times between them. So Allah put fewer houses and villages

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Quranic stories pt.7 by Sh Tariq Appleby

 The shaitan made their deeds seem attractive to them and barred them from the right way.

Shaitans embellishment of those deeds in one of Shaitan’s weapons.

In my last blog post about this, I said that the Prophet Sulaiman was asking the hoopoe bird about the information, confirming that it is correct and a true statement.

Prophet Sulaiman also said to send a letter to see how they respond.

The Queen ‘later’ announced, “O chiefs Indeed a noble letter has been delivered to me”.

It is from Sulaiman and it reads. “In the Nama of Allah- the Most Compassionate, Most merciful.

It is speculated that he started with بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ ا“لرَّحِيْمِ”

Do not be arrogant with me, but come to me,l fully summiting ‘to Allah’.

She said, “O chiefs! Advise me in these matters of mine, for I would never make any decisions without you”. 

They responded, “We are a people of strength and great ‘military’ might, but the decision yours do decide.

She reasoned, “Indeed, when kings invade a land, they ruin and debase its nobbles, they really do so!

But I will certainly send him a gift and see what ‘response’ my envoys will return with”.

When the chief envoy came to him, he said, “Do you offer me wealth? What Allah has granted me is far greater than what He has granted you. No, it is you who rejoice in ‘receiving’ gifts.

Go back to them, for we will certainly mobilize against them forces which they can never resist, and we will drive them out from there in disgrace, fully humbled.

Even when she is the Queen, with the utmost power and authority, she still asks others for their opinion on her matter, for another point of view.

Sulaiman asked, “Oh chiefs Which of you can bring me her throne before they come to me in full submission?”

One mighty jinn responds, “I can bring it to you before you rise from this council of yours. And I am quite strong and trustworthy for his task.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Quranic stories pt.6 by Sh Tariq Appleby

 The Prophet was inspecting birds and one of the birds that were not there was the Hoopoe bird.

  • The first issue: the Hoopoe bird has knowledge knowledge that Prophet Sulaiam does not possess. 

  • The Hoopoe knows Sheba and the certainty of the news from there

  • The third issue is his awareness of the women's leadership over them while denying it to them.

  • The fourth issue is His understanding of the worldly possessions given by Sheba from various sources.

  • The fifth issue was the recognition of the Great Throne

  • The sixth issue was: His realisation of their prostration to the sun beside Allah.

  • The seventh issue was: His understanding that they are assisoating partners other than Allah.

  • The eighth issue: This was Satan's adornment for their deeds

  • The ninth issue: His understanding that is this straying from the straight path

  • The tenth issue: His knowledge that they are not rightly guided

The Prophet was conversing with this bird,

‘One day’ He inspected the birds, and wondered, “Why could I not see the hoopoe? Or could he be absent?

I will surely subject him to severe punishments, ‘even’ slaughter him, unless he brings me a compelling excuse.

The prophet was inspecting the birds, and one of the birds was a Hoopoe.

 Indeed, I found a woman ruling over the., who has been given everything ‘she needs’, and who has a magnificent throne. 

Solomon said, “We will see whether you are telling the truth or lying”.

In this case, he is referring to the Hoopoe.

Go with this letter of mine, and deliver it to them, then stand aside and see how they will respond. 

1- Allah almighty says, “And [once] he [sulaiman]

 Inspected the birds and said, “How is it that I do not see the hoopoe? Or is he absent?”,. This inspection is a lesson for kings and leaders inspecting their troops, understanding their affairs, and confronting those who violate either condition even if it means denying what they desire. This verse is evidence for the Leader to inspect the condition of this stucjeectaan to preserve them. Look at how Sulaiman did not overlook the hoopoe despite its insignificance and small size. It is the right of the subjects upon their leader to inspect and know their conditions. He is responsible for both major and minor matters, involving himself as much as possible, and employing men to be informed of what he cannot directly oversee. Expect and trustworthy individuals are delegated to inspect the inspection until the conditions of conditions are known directly to those entrusted with them. Thus, Sulaiman despite his great kingdom, vast army numerous followers, personnel undertook to inspect and did not neglect the hope despite its smallness and insignificance in location, Umar Ibin-Alkattab used to say, “If a goat were to die on the banks of the Euphrates, I would feat being asked about it.” This instant and awareness are incumbent upon every leader in nations, groups families companionships, and all who have a responsibility over others.

In His statement: “I have encompassed [in knowladg]

 Something that you have not encompassed, and I have come to you from Saba’ with accurate news”, using the plural pronoun of the respect address is not obligatory nor is it a feature of the each of prophets and predecessors when someone is respected, is it necessary for prophets and presses or says, “ I have to you all

Friday, March 22, 2024

Quranic stories pt.5 by Sh Tariq Appleby

 But those gifted with knowledge said: "Shame on you! Allah's reward is far better for those who believe and do good. But none will attain this except the steadfast

Indeed, Korah was from the people of Moses, but he behaved arrogantly t towards them. We had granted him such treasures that even their keys would burden a group of strong men. 'Some of his people advised him, "Do not be prideful! surely Allah does not like the prideful. 

And We caused the earth to swallow him and his home. And there was no company to aid him other than Allah, nor was he of those who [could] defend themselves.

And those who had wished for his position the previous day began to say, "Oh, how Allah extends provision to whom He wills of His servants and restricts it! If Allah had not conferred favour on us, He would have caused it to swallow us. Oh, how the disbelievers do not succeed!".

The wise person envies those who spend their wealth in the way of good deeds and attain high ranks, while the ignorant person envies those who spend all their wealth on desires and attain forbidden pleasures.

Allah once said (I am paraphrasing this): “None receives it except the patient ones”, which means that Religion cannot be done with one person alone, as you need a whole group or community.

It is more harmful to seek leadership and status is more dangerous than seeking wealth.

Alla criticises those who desire worldly life and wealth. Praising those ee who oppose such desires.
This illustrates the shortsightedness of those who crave wworldy pleasures, exemplified by the envy of Qarun’s fortune.

Expressing the desire of Qarun without waiting for it to be taken away from him avoids the sin of Envy.

knowledge of both worlds to prioritise the reward of the Heereafteere over worldly gains.

Treeu scholars prioritize the Hereafteer, contrasting with those who prioritize worldly rewards.

Only the patient will attain righteous dds and their eventual reward.

Qaruns punishment of being swallowed by the earth was fitting for his tyranny, pride and arrogance.

The sinking of Qarun and his house was a specific miracle for Musa, affecting only those who supported Qarun.           

When Allah sends punishments, no one can helpht epunished vne if they are powerful.

Disbelievers may enjoy worldy confort, but why woun’t succeed inthe Hereafter.

Those desiring worldly power,a nd corruption woun’t find happiness in the Hereeafter.

The verse emphasizes not desiring corruption to purify the heart and deter sinful actions.

Intention influences action and reflects the desire for power, or corruption.

The promise of reward hinges on rejecting the desire for corruption and power.

The righteous will ultimately prevail, as stated in the promise of inheriting the earth.

Good deeds bring rewards exceeding their equality and quality, contrasting with worldly gains.

Allah’s reward balances justice and favour ensuring fairness of good and evil deeds.



Quranic stories pt.4: by Sh Tariq Appleby

And [recall] when Moses said to his people, "Indeed, Allāh commands you to slaughter a cow." They said, "Do you take us in ridicule?" He said, "I seek refuge in Allāh from being among the ignorant."

Now why do you think that they think that Musa is making a joke, or doing a prank?
Musa never jokes about matters concerning Allah.

They said, "Call upon your Lord to make clear to us what it is." [Moses] said, "[Allāh] says, 'It is a cow which is neither old nor virgin, but median between that,' so do what you are commanded."

Musa then explained what type of cow the Banu Israel must sacrifice, now they ask what age, and they said not old nor virgin.
Then they asked what colour, and Musa said that Allah said that it was a yellow cow.
And then they said Allah will guide us to the right cow.
Then a cow that has not done any work in its life, or has not tilled no fields or

Now, strangely enough, any cow would suffice, so Allah kept getting more specific on what kind of cow.

This was then to remind them one time that one man was killed, and no one knew who the killer was, then Allah revealed the killer, by the slaughtered cow.
Take the hide of the cow and hits the dead body of the murderer to bring the murderer back to life, and he tells who murdered him.

The moral of this story is that you should not mocking people for our ignorance, foolishness and lack of intelligence, as Mosees aid: "I seek refuge in Allah from being among the ignorant".

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Quranic stories pt.4: by Sh Tariq Appleby

 Allah described a man, who was hurrying to get to the city, to stop the people from Stoneing the Prophet and told them to stop, saying that they should stop and warn the people who they are stoning.

And said, "Oh my people, follow the messengers".

Now for preaching about faith, you must be gentle in speech as if you rudely say something like: "You must join this faith, you must do it", which is terrible, as if you're trying to convince someone, it is easier if you speak kindly, and not harshly.

6 - Worship the one who created you, and who you will return to.

7 - Do not take other gods other than Allah, some who worship Idols say that th Idols will interfere with Allah.

8 - After the prophet was killed, he was worried for his people for not following him in Islam.

9 - You would not be a believer except for the sincere, and not deceitful.

10- Allah made him one of the Honoured ones.

The terms city and village are used intertangle in the Quran.

From the phase: "From the furthest ends of the city", which means the reach and distance of the Prophet's call.

The companions of the Prophets promoted Islam, without wanting anything in return, or did have any personal gain.

Allah said many times that he alone is worth worshipping and others are not, and all worship is solely directed to the creator.

Malay: pt 9 Places to Buy Groceries

 So, places to buy groceries are used often in Malay, so I am going to teach you how to say the names of grocery stores.

Pasar Raya (pronounced: Pas-ar, rah ya), translates to "Supermarket", also you don't really need to say pasar raya to a person, as most people understand basic English in Malaysia, so just saying "supermarket" is normal.
This is the normal place where you buy groceries, Jaya grocer, Giant, and Tesco are common here to buy groceries.

Kedai Runcit (pronounced: Ke die, Ruun chit), translates to "Retail store", which is what people would call a "mom-and-pop store", which normally sells most things. Mainly most are small businesses,.

Pasar Tani (pronounced: "Taa-knee), which translates to "Farmer's market", normally sells: fish,  meats, and organic vegetables.

Pasar Malam (pronounced: Maa-laam), meaning "Night market", is normally held from 7pm - 4am, and normally sells kueh (pronounced: ku-eeh) which are Malaysian sweet treats.

Pusat (pronounced: pus-saat), which means "centre", so Pusat makan (pronounced: ma-kaan) means "eating centre". And is used for things like Pusat science, which translates to "Science centre".

pusat membeli-belah (pronounced: mem-be-lee, be-laah), meaning "Shopping mall" but most of the time you can just say "shopping mall" and most will understand.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Quranic stories pt.3: by Sh Tariq Appleby

 The Dwellers of the town, if not all Muslim scholars say that Antioch, is the city where Prophet Isa was sent by Allah.

Allah sent two messengers but the city denied both, so Allah saw a third, some say that Jesus is the reason why Antioch was the first city to believe in Jesus.

It is said that they denied Jesus, or Prophet Isa and Allah struck the city down.

The story of Antioch happened after the Torah was revealed Abu Sa'id al-Khudi said that "Allah did not destroy an entire nation with a punishment, but instead put the believers against the disbelievers".

Although we don't really know what city Allah was referring to in this story, as it may be another city other than Antioch, most believe it is Antioch as it is a well-known ancient city.
We also don't know if it was destroyed, but we can guess.

If we believe anything that anyone said about Islam blindly, we would get nowhere, as arguments were used to argue that this is false, or this is true.

For example, for Ramadhan, do we rely on Saudi, or in the local sighting of the moon, Makis vs the Moonies, and the 20s and the 8ths. Where during Taraweh you pray either 20 or 8 rakaat.
Last, during the Prophet's time, he would pray 8 rakaat, but recite for a long time, or pray 20, but recite less.
Now we do roughly the same, as the shorter rakaat you pray the more you recite.

 Do you take offence because you're reminded of Allah?.

Quranic stories pt.2: by Sh Tariq Appleby

 Murder is not allowed in Islam, as it is the worst crime a person can commit in Islam, as the blood of a human is sacred to Allah, there are very few cases where it is, for example in self-defence, as if you're being attacked and you accidentally killed your assailant, that is perfectly fine as you're not killing on purpose.

If you wish to speak with Jinns, most will ask you for-go certain practices, for example stopping daily prayer, praying but not taking wuhuk, make you eat haram foods.

Allah once sent down angels to teach people magic, but the angels said that if you follow our teaching of magic, you are leaving the fold of Islam, as Allah sent them down as a test.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Quranic stories pt.1 by Sh Tariq Appleby

 If you kill a person without just cause, and not in retribution, the person who killed must also be killed.

The story of Habil and Qabil The sons of Prophet Adam: 
There were two brothers Habil was a shepherd who gave his best ram in sacrifice to Allah, and Qabil a farmer gave his subpar crops to Allah, since he gave not good crops to Allah, Qabil's offering was rejected, while Habil's was accepted.
So Qabil murdered his brother out of jealousy. 
Then Qabil was saddened by the fact that the jealousy got to his head and he did not know what to do.
So Allah showed him a dead crow and another crow came along and dug a grave for its friend and buried the crow inside it. 
So Qabil buried Habil in a grave he dug for his brother.
The moral of this story is not allow jealousy into your heart.

The harm of hasad, can cause sadness, lead to sin, and cause resentment of Allah's degree, is it a trait of nifaq, distracts from the Thinkr of Allah, and harms the Mahsud.
It is envy, and if you don't know what envy is, it is really wanting what someone else have and wishing the person the worst in life because of it, or wishing that the person who has something that you don't have ask Allah to take it away from him.

An envious person is evil, to deal with Hasad, you must believe in Allah, as he is given a withholds, Ikhlas seek only what is with Allah, Dua for the Mahsud.

Physics pt. 7: Fields

 Let's say you drop a ball, and it falls through the ground, why did that happen.
Nothing was pulling it down right, nothing touching it, well it is because of gravity which is a non-contact force that is causing it to be pulled down, but these forces act over a sort of region, so since that ball is on earth it causes the ball the fall due to the ball being in the region known as earth because the ball is in the gravitational "field' of the earth, it falls down and hits the ground.

New field forces include Electrical, Magnetic and gravitational forces, and since these are non-contact they can exert a force without touching an object.

So to understand why things are this way, scientists came up with the idea of: "Fields", which under the definition says: "Objects that extend through space".

Gravitational forces affect objects with mass, think of a ball, a cat, or paper, every object with a Gravitational force has a force that pulls objects near it to its centre the further you move away from the object the weaker the force is.

An Electric field surrounds any object with a net charge, and what is in those fields relies on what direction that charge is going along say, a wire or cable.

Magnetic Fields are for magnets and other materials with magnetic properties.

Every field has two things about it, Magnitude (how strong it is), and Direction (where it's going).

Let's take an example, let's put a planet down, and since a planet has a lot of mass, it will have a strong gravitational pull to its centre, and if we move further away from the planet, the field gets weaker, that's why if you jump on earth you fall back down quickly, but in low orbit space, you float, because the Earth cannot pull you down from that distance.
Now let's put an astroid going parallel from the planet, and its pretty close to the planet. The asteroid will be attracted to the planet as the planet has a strong Gravitational pull, so when it flies by, it might get pulled closer, and closer, until it might crash into the planet due to the astroids proximity to the planet plus the gravitational pull of the planet

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Chemistry pt. 4: Ions

 Let's take Carbon, one atom of Carbon has 6 Protons and if it is a neutral Carbon it will have 6 Electrons, to get Ion you need to have an unequal amount of Protons and Electrons.

So let's take a Carbon with one less Electron than a Proton, then it would be a C+1 Proton atom. Now let's take a Carbon atom with one more Electron than Proton (5 Protons, 6 Electrons.
Well since we have only 5 Protons and not 6, the element we are dealing with is now Boron, neutral Boron would have 5 Protons and 5 
Election, but in this case, the Boron has one extra electric charge (on extra Proton, 6 Protons and 5 Electrons), you could write it as B-1 or Boron minus 1 Electron, this would be a Boron Ion.

Now let's take Platinum, it has a mass number of 195 (Protons and Electrons added together) and contains 74 Electrons, we want to find what its charge is.
On average Platinum has 78 Protons, so if we do 74 - 78, we are left with 4, meaning that there are 4 more Protons than Electrons in a Platinum atom, so it would be a positively charged Atom,
the name of this type of atom is a Cation which is a positive Ion, and the inverse or negatively charged atom is an Anion. 

But let's say we also need to figure out how many Protons and Neutrons it contains and what is its charge, we already know that Platinum has 78 Protons, and an atomic mass number is its Protons plus the Neutrons, all you have to do is minus 195 - 78 which would get you to 117, so the amount of Neutrons in a Platinum atom is 117.

Let us take a Calcium atom, Calcium has 20 Protons, and for this example let us say that this atom has 18 Elections, if you know, Electrons give a negative charge, and Protons give a positive charge, so if we do 20 (protons) minus 18 Elections, we get 2, so there are two more Protons, so this Calcium atom has 2 extra Protons, if an atom has an equal amount of Protons and Electrons, they are a neutral atom, but since there is two extra Protons this specific Calcium atom is a positive Calcium atom or C+2.
The "+2" means plus two Protons.

If we do a Calcium atom with 20 Protons, 21 Electrons and 17 Neutrons, well 20-21 is 1, so that extra one, is minus since Electrons are minus charges, this atom would be a Calcium with a negative charge or C-1, notice how the Neutrons did not matter in the calculations, as Neutrons have no impact to the calculation of Ions.

Phases in Meiosis II

There could be an Interphase II which only happens to certain cells which you could consider as a "rest period", but Meiosis II starts with Prophase II 

In Meiosis II, it has two cells, the nuclear envelope dissolves again, and the chromosomes in the dissolved nuclear envelope have the chromosomal crossover from the father and mother chromosomes, and the centrosomes duplicate and now there are two centrosomes. And they start migrating to the sides of the cell.

Metaphase II still has the two cells, but each cell has two centrosomes and they migrate to the sides of the cell and they are using their "fibres" to connect to the centromere (the things between the chromosomes.

Then in Anaphase II, they start to pull apart as the two sister chromatids that make up a chromosome, now are being ripped apart.

Telophase II is when it splits into four cells, where each cell has one unravelling father and one mother chromosome, then the nuclear envelope forms again, the micro tubulars dissolve.

Monday, March 11, 2024

My visit to the Science center Kuala Lumpur ((UNFINISHED))

So, my visit to the science centre was enjoyable as I learned so much, I learned about Plants, Cyclones vs Typhoons, magnetic forces, the periodic table, electric circuits, earthquakes, and lots of things.


Cyclones vs Typhoons vs Hurricanes
Repeat this cycle you get a cyclone, and now you are probably wondering.

First, let's start with the plants, to make a plant grow, you need carbon dioxide, water and sunlight, and those important ingredients help the plant make food (it's one kind of food), which it uses to turn the carbon dioxide into oxygen for us to breath.

Cyclones vs typhoons, Clyclones and Thyphoons are basically the same since they both possess the same way of forming and destructive nature. A cyclone forms when the warm, moist air rises upward over the ocean. When that air moves up, there is the low-pressure air below. Now the low-pressure area is mixed with the high-pressure air from the air around it, and then the cool air gets warm and moist over the ocean moving upward.

Why is there a cyclone, typhoon, or hurricane?
well, it is because they are named hurricanes when they develop over the North Atlantic, central North Pacific, and eastern North Pacific.
cyclones when they form over the South Pacific and Indian Ocean.
And typhoons when they develop in the Northwest Pacific.

Magnetic Forces

Magnetic forces happen when there is a piece of two pieces of metal with magnetic qualities point at different poles, do they attract, and when they are pointing to each other with the same pole, they repel. Now what is a "pole", well on a magnet there are two types of poles. North and South pole, poles are identical, but like I said above when they are both different poles, (one south and one north pole) and they are facing each other, you can feel the poles pulling on each other wanting it to be pulled together. If you try and do the same but have both south and north poles, you will notice that the two magnets want to pull apart, and thus they are repelling.

The Periodic table 

Ah yes, the periodic table is a vital part of science, as without it, it is difficult to document and study the effects one element has on another, for example, one reaction between potassium and H2O (water). If the potassium touches water, the potassium explodes, (not bomb level, but still dangerous)y. And other radioactive elements. The Currie's Working with her husband, Pierre Curie, Marie Curie discovered Polonium and Radium in 1898.

Electric circuits

My personal favourite thing at the science centre is that I learned about electrical circuits and how they function.

For a circuit to work, you need it to be a "completed circuit", to make a completed circuit you need the circuit to be in a loop, like a square, with each corner as a component and since it is square it makes full loop causing the electricity to flow between all the components.

Also, I finally learned how resisters work, which is by "resisting" the electrical currents to make say a 9V to a 7V by using a resister.

But conductors are for amplifying the electrical currents, as maybe you have a 3V power

source and you need it to be a 9V, so use a conductor to make it so. During travel between wires, you lose electricity, due to the laws of thermodynamics, you will lose electricity during travel, same with using a car tyre for too long it wares down, so electricity gets "lost" due to thermodynamics but conductors let the electricity flow though without losing power.


Earthquakes happen due to sudden movement along tectonic faults within the earth.
the movement of such tectonic plates releases 'elastic strain' energy in the form of seismic waves, which go through the earth and cause the ground surface to shake.
the movement of such tectonic plates releases 'elastic strain' energy in the form of seismic waves, which go through the earth and cause the ground surface to shake.

Which causes large property damage, there are nine levels of earthquakes, each with increasing vibrations and danger, named the Richter scale, the bigger the number is, the more damage it can cause. 

2.5 magnitude, is regularly felt but is known for not causing much damage, but can be measured by a seismograph.

2.5 - 5.4 magnitude, slight damage, but only causes minor damage.

5.5 - 6 magnitude, damage to buildings and can cause them to collapse.

6.1 - 6.9 magnitude, can cause large amounts of damage to highly populated areas.

website to get data for this post

Friday, March 8, 2024

Chemistry pt. 3: Average atomic mass

For things at this scale, we need a unit of measurement, the name of this is the "Atomic mass unit" or AMU, the more modern version is the: "Unified mass unit", and written as U.

The weight of this mass unit is 1.660540 * 10^-27kg, for scale, it is a 0. With 26 zeros behind that, the mass of a Proton is approximately 1U, and one Neutron is also approximately 1U, it turns out a Proton is slightly heavier with a weight of 1.007U, and a Neutron is approximately 1.008U, an Electrons mass is instead very light compared to both, being 1/2000 the mass of a Neutron or Proton.

Thus the main mass is the Protons and Neutrons in the nucleus. 

Let's take an element: Hydrogen, let's figure out the mass of a Hydrogen atom, which is one Proton, since the amount of Protons is shown on the periodic table, it is very easy to say that Hydrogen has one Proton.

When we talk about variations and different versions of an atom, we call those Isotopes, All isotopese follow the "parent" element, as all Isotopes of that element have the same number of Protons, in this case, it is a single Proton from Hydrogen atom, but due to it being a Isotope, it has different numbers of Neutrons.

Notice how the element is written in the periodic table, it has a number on the top, the amount of Protons, the element name in the middle, and the bottom is the average weight of that atom, on the Hydrogen atom, the weight is 0.008 which is the for that element found on earth.


Morocco  Located in Africa in the area named the "Maghrib" which straddles the Atlantic Ocean to the west and the Mediterranean Sea to the east.

Morocco has a narrow 13km or 8-mile gap between them and Spain, known as the strait of Gibraltar. That is not the nearest Morocco is to Spain as that is the second closest, the closest Spain is to Morocco is actually at the town of Tarifa.

They are bordered by Algeria in the east.

There are 12 different areas and the capital Rabat is located along the west Atlantic coast.
Now it gets a little confusing, they were once a French protectorate and was colonised by the Spanish (they are neighbours so that makes sense). There was a war between 
Morocco, Polisario (S.A.D.R) and Maurataina about land disputes, and eventually, Maurataintia stepped down since Morocco kept fighting.
So currently 
Morocco and Polisario sorta split the area in two, Morocco got the shores and the off-shore oil banks, while Polisario got most of the islands. About 1/5 of the population live in the S.A.D.R area, while 40% of the population live in the Laayoune area, around the middle you see a sand berm which is a militarily made wall which separates the S.A.D.R from Morocco
Getting into the western Sahara is difficult as you can pretty much only get access through Morocco, but you might get stopped by the military, and getting through the S.A.D.R. is near impossible to any outsiders.

If you go up from the Mediterranean you will encounter the"plazas de soberanía" which are like the last pieces of the Spanish empire in Northern Africa, the legality of these areas belonging to Spain is important as Morrocoo was founded after these areas were controlled by the Spanish were made.

The two largest entities are Ceuta close to Spain in the west with a population of 82,000, and Melia which has their own airport with a population of 80,000.
Along with the three Alhucemas Islands, the three Chafrinas Islands, and Penon de Velez which is a small military outpost with an entrance connected using a isthmus about 85 meters wide being the smallest international land border.
There are also two more islands under disputed territory, Isla Perejil, Nube island and Isla de Alboran.

The busiest airport is Muhammad the V International, and the second and third are Marakesh and Agadir.\

Interesting places to visit are: 
Baadi castle, The blue city Chefchaouen, Jardins Majorelle, Muhammand the V mausoleum, The Hercules cave, Ibn Dagan Synagogue (one of the last Jewish buildings), The Gates of Fez, Volubilis ruins, Meknes castle, Al-Karaouine University (supposed to be the oldest University in the world), The Merenid Tombs, The Hassan II Mosque (with the top five for the tallest minaret.

The Country lies when the African plate meets the Eurasian plate and with the Atlas faultines cutting the tip of the Rif mountains, these plates made the three mountain chains: The Middle Atlas, The Anti Atlas, and The High Atlas, where the tallest peak in Africa can be found Toubkhal. and along that, you can find the largest lake the Bin El Quidane reservoir, and the longest river, The Draa River. 

Where most of the population live in the northern regions as that has more flatter and Areable (farmable) terrain with more vegetation, sometimes it even snows, and they have the highest ski resort in all of Africa.

Morocco has lots of natural resources, 18% of the land is arable and 12% is forested, the biodiversity is also very suitable as many are endemic, like gazelles, boars, fennec foxes, over ninety species of reptiles and macaque monkeys, and yes, goats do climb trees here. Mostly in the town of Tamri, due to illegal trade and poaching fennec foxes and macaque monkeys are disappearing including the national animal the Barbary Lion, the last one was seen in 1922.

On a good note, They are in the top 5 with the highest GDP per person, and mining takes most of the workforce as they hold 75% of the world's known phosphor mines, they do rely on crops as 40% of the workforce works at farms, it is also said that they have one of the highest fish markets in all of Africa taking about 3% of their GDP.

And the largest exporter of sardines in the world, even though you are not legally allowed to smoke it, they are the top exporter of cannabis.

 Food is as follows: Anything cooked in a Tajine pot (which is a pot with a cone-shaped lid), Rafissa, Harira soup, Pastilla, Seffa, Mrouzia, Mechoui, and their national dish Couscous.
Sweet treats like Chebakia, Baghrir, Sellou, Ghriyba, Mhancha, Kaab Ghazal, and their favourite drink, Mint tea, they are practically the only country that exports "Argon" oil, used in food, cosmetics and hair products.

With a population of 36 million people, it is the highest Burbur and Amazigh population in Africa, and possibly worldwide. Around 40-80% of the population has either Burubr or Amazigh ancestry with the 19% being non-Burbur or Amazigh, with some French, Spanish, and Africans.

The Moroccan Dirham is their currency and the type C and E plug outlets and they drive on the right side of the road.

So, what are Burburs or Amazighs, well they are the indigenous semi-nomadic peoples who have lived in regions of North Africa before the Arabs came in, they are completely different from Arabs, in clothing, arts, traditions, and language which is different from Arabs.
Now the Burbur/Amazigh language is an official language along with Arabic in Morocco and Algeria, written in either Latin or Neo-Tifinagh script, most Moroccans are trilingual, growing up with Arabic, Burbur or Amazigh, and most of the time a European language, most commonly French.
The way they speak Arabic is a style named "Darija" which some classify as a different language as it is drastically different from standard Arabic.

The is also a Monarchy, which is ruled under the king of Muhammad the VI or the Muhammand the Sixth, who claims to be a descendent of the Prophet Muhammad, he belongs to the Alaoute Dynasty the second oldest dynasty in the world, after Japan's Yamato imperial family.

Around 99% of the population is Muslim mainly Sunni, with a few Jewish and Christians here and there, Morocco has one of the highest Jewish populations in the Arab world, with some estimates being 350,000 and over, after wartimes most either fled or got expelled, most heading to Israel, and today Moroccan Jews are the second most Jewist populated subgroup in Israel, and less than 3000 live in Morocco.

They have a very colourful background most influenced by the Burbur or Amazigh's, bu there are many types of Burburs and Amazigh, and tribes.
Before Islam, most Burbur and Amazigh were Animus and practised things like ancestor veneration, face tattoos were common among women each image meaning something important, but around the 1940s, the practice started dying out.

The national dress for both men and women is a garment named Djellaba, which is meant to keep the wearer warm and protected from the harsh sun.

The architecture is interesting as they have a very high-walled style of building named "Dar" to ward off thieves and animals and to minimalizing heat.

They are famous for metalwork, pottery and textiles are famous here, and their music incorporates Arab Burbur and Amazigh tones with French too.

For their history, the state of Carthage, the Burbur kingdoms, part of the Roman Empire, was conquered by the Muslins, then the Burburs revolted and made a state under the Nekor/Idrisid dynasty, then the Almoravid / Almohad dynasties, Reconquista, Marrinid / Wattasid / Saadi dynasties.
Then the Alaouite dynasty which is the current dynasty.
The Agadir crisis, the treaty of Fez, independence (November 18), the Green March, arab spring.